Superb documentary on copyright and remix culture
I’m on a roll with controversial documentaries. I just finished watching Good Copy Bad Copy in which independent Danish filmmakers examine copyright law in the US and abroad. It’s fascinating to see how other countries treat IP, let alone make money from music and movies in ways the RIAA and movies aren’t even close to understanding or trying. I don’t necessarily have a solution to the challenges that piracy creates, but this 58 minute film is a must-see on the subject. Download the torrent here (it’s free!)
[via BoingBoing]
I loved at the end where the guy is remixing the remix of the song.
Very interesting and something that needs to be looked at seriously.
Heck, I liked the idea of a blanket fee of $50 a year to download all that you can. It just proves that there are ideas and suggestions around the issue of piracy and copyright.