Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

If you’re always online, you’re gonna have a bad time



It should be obvious, but for many it isn’t. They’ve forgotten how to live in the moment, be alone with their thoughts, and use “forever empty” as motivation to better themselves. 

In fear of boredom, sadness, and temporary isolation, they turn to the Internet for extended periods of time, if not every waking hour. They do this for work, for play, for informing themselves with minutia. They do it for simulated experiences and virtual socialization.

Once all in, it’s easy to forget how superior analog life can be. How gratifying present life can be. Reminding these people (aka my target audience) is one of the biggest challenges I’ve encountered while researching, interviewing, and writing my book. Most suspect they have a problem. But they also believe an always-online lifestyle is a necessary reality, making them a victim of fate.

As such, a sizable chunk of the book—if not one third—is dedicated to showing this audience the light. By that I mean positive examples and giving voice to other people’s relatable lives, starting with my own leading up to my burnout, Montana Moment, and fulfillment thereafter.

I’ve uncovered so many great stories that I couldn’t wait to share them. As a companion to the book, I starting airing a radio show this month that discusses talking points of interest, along with interesting interviews from people that have either found offline balance, are in pursuit of it, or are open to finding it. You can listen to, participate in, and subscribe to those discussions here.

In the meantime, enjoy your life. And remember: If you’re always online, you’re gonna have a bad time.Blake Snow

Read more: Offline Balance newsletters