Top 5 best Powerade flavors
For the first time in my life, I’ve become a sports drink junkie. I still guzzle water. But I like how the lightly flavored drink displaces the “workout” taste better than water. So I drink fluorescent colored super juice after heavy training.
Since Powerade (not Gatorade) was on sale last month, I stocked up on all eight flavors. And being the gentlemen that I am, I decided to review them for you. So the next time you reach for a 32 oz. bottle, remember the top 5 most refreshing Powerade flavors, expertly named by yours truly:
- Strawberry Lemonade. I hate strong aftertaste. And Strawberry Lemonade is right up there with the worst offenders. Not so with Powerade though, whose Strawberry Lemonade has no aftertaste whatsoever. Refreshing and delicious!
- Orange. I suspect in the long run, Orange may be the greatest sports drink flavor. It never gets old. It always satisfies. And it doesn’t have the nasty aftertaste of other traditional flavors like Lemon Lime and Fruit Punch—even if it doesn’t have the flavor os Strawberry Lemonade.
- Sour Melon. Now that’s flavor! I can’t quite put my finger on it (these are all artificially flavored after all), but Sour Melon has some spunk to it, without tasting like liquefied Lemondheads. Great flavor, but a little too strong to make crack into the top two spots.
- Mountain Berry. I first started experimenting with this one, since its the only one to my knowledge that’s found in restaurant fountains. But it has a cool icy flavor to it. The only thing keeping it back, is its aftertaste, which is stronger than the above.
- Arctic Shatter. I’ll admit. Arctic Shatter only made the list for being the lesser of four evils (aka the remaining flavors), due to having less aftertaste. But it’ll do if you can’t find one of the above four flavors. Just remember to stay far, far away from Lemon Lime, Fruit Punch, and Grape, which are way too strong.
My favorite wasn’t even mentioned! Powerade Zero Strawberry. It reminds me of cotton candy. Oh well..everyone is different.
The Strawberry Lemonade flavor is amazing. It doesn’t even taste like Lemonade, or anything sour, which is a plus in my book. It just tastes like strawberries. Very flavorful. BUT I disagree about Orange Powerade — it has absolutely no taste to it whatsoever; it’s totally lacking in any identifiable flavor (even though it’s as orange-coloured as can be).
I love strawberry lemonade its the best
I LOVE the sour melon the best. Saw it once. Bought a few. Now can’t find it anywhere. Anybody know where to find it in southwestern PA????
i know wher to find some sour melon its at family dollar in chanute
You can find Sour Melon at the Shop N Save in Houston, Pa. I am wondering if Sour Melon is the same recipe as the now defuct Green Squall. Does anyone know the answer?
This sour melon flavor is the best I’ve come across and I don’t usually like the taste of these sports drinks… the only other flavor I can think of that I really like is lemon-lime gatorade, and I make my own lemon/lime cool aid.. I guess I like those sour flavors.
grape strawberry? obviously the best you dust
well what i think is strawberry,orange,grape,arctic shatter
in Wisconsin you can get sour melon mostly every were
tis is me list
1.Arctic Shatter
2.Strawberry lemonade
5.sour melon
Simply CANNOT find LEMONADE Powerade. IT is THE BEST when made into a slushie and MOst dont list it as a product, or even know about it!
I like grape the best it’s very good