Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

The most intriguing British words according to an American

img2.jpgI saw Me and My Girl last night — a play that takes place in 1920s England. The performance was entertaining (a bit stale at times), but I really enjoyed the English… which got me thinking of the funniest British words. They are:

  • Bollocks. Figurative meaning: nonsense. Technical meaning: testicles. Codswallop is a less-descriptive substitute.
  • Trousers. These are what Americans call “pants.” We understand the former term, but you’d get ridiculed for using it.
  • Blimey. Is there a cooler way to say “wow” or “holy crap?” I think not.
  • Salad-dodger. Quite possibly the funniest word I’ve ever heard for a fat, obese, or overweight person.
  • Hobnobbing. Aka “brown-nosing,” though I understand it may be used “to party with friends.”
  • Barney. That’s British for “fight” or “argument.” Yeah, that sounds confrontational…
  • Choong. I’ll stick with “babe” or “hottie,” thank you very much.
  • Petrol. Leave it the British to make “gas” sound so much more sophisticated (short for petroleum).
  • Pissing it down. Leave it to the British to turn “raining cats and dogs” into a crude expression.
  • Quid. Yeah, that sounds way cooler than “bucks, bones, or smackers.”
  • Trainers. Sorry Britons, this is a lame name for “tennashoes.”
  • Nob. This word sounds more like an idiot to me than a yuppy, which is what it means.
  • Wanker. A derogatory term used to describe a jerk. I understand the British use the hand equivalent in lieu of the bird when driving aggressively. Classy!
  • Randy. I’ve always thought calling intense affection “horny” to be unfair, even from a religious perspective. The British equivalent is much less damning, and funny to boot.
  • Bugger off. To leave someone alone; go away; get lost (may be offensive). Have you ever heard a Briton say “bugger off?” It’s soooo condescending!
  • Manky. I should use this more often when I get “sick.” Plus it’s just fun to say.

NOTE: Some of these words may be passé, but I wouldn’t know because I don’t live in England. Do share your favorites.