Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

Hi, I'm Blake.

I run this joint. Don’t know where to start? Let me show you around:

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

User-generated story leads (blog tips)

If you run a blog that has significant traffic, you really should be leveraging the power of user-generated story tips via your readers. This is how it works: you display a prominent “tips” link above the fold, asking your readers to tip you with interesting stories or content. Then sit back and watch as the user-generated leads roll in.

I blog for a large site that gets upwards of 100+ email tips per day. Another smaller site I run gets as many as 15/day. Some of the biggest stories I’ve run as a blogger came from tipsters, not my RSS feed or offline experiences; stories that drive insane traffic.

The reason is that tipsters can be the source of exclusive or obscure content that no other sites have (read: a major differentiating factor). Always encouraging user-generated stories with proper credit (i.e. “Thanks, Blake! after a post) as a best practice. Then watch your traffic increase through more unique content.

Top 10 business myths (includes raising capital)

Rondam Ramblings has compiled their top 10 business myths:

  1. A brilliant idea will make you rich
  2. If you build it they will come
  3. Someone will steal your idea if you don’t protect it
  4. What you think matters
  5. Financial models are bogus
  6. What you know matters more than who you know
  7. A Ph.D. means something
  8. I need $5 million to start my business
  9. The idea is the most important part of my business plan
  10. Having no competition is a good thing

Follow the source link for the full skinny.

What program do you use to design websites?

Graphic designers only: While I have been developing sites in PhotoShop for over five years now, I think I’m starting to prefer OmniGraffle (diagramming software for Mac). It’s more intuitive and friendly than Visio and has some advanced features I’m still not used to. Until I figure out the program’s full graphical features, I’ve been designing effects in PhotoShop prior to importing in OmniGraffle. Diagramming software manages layers much more quickly than PhotoShop, and I’m really enjoying the process so far. With that said:

What program do you use to (graphically) design websites?
Diagramming software (Visio, OmniGraffle)

See also:

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TIME calls bloggers “random lunatics”

In an article entitled “Do Newspapers Have a Future,” author Michael Kinsley at TIME magazine had this to say: “Meanwhile, there is the blog terror: people are getting their understanding of the world from random lunatics riffing in their underwear, rather than professional journalists with standards and passports.”

He’s got a point. However, he also exposes the overall threatened view of traditional media towards bloggers, and rightfully so. Continue reading…

Good “tools” guarantee success?

I just got done reading Fast Company and spotted a new Microsoft ad pitching the company’s software. It said this: “When you give your people the right tools, success is inevitable.”

Now I understand this is fluffy marketing but just because someone has tools, even good tools, doesn’t mean success is certain. The ad is a prime example of “sound good” statements that don’t mean anything. While tools are a big part of a craftsman’s output, they in no way guarantee successful results.


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My outstanding book list

Disclaimer: I’m addicted to my feed reader. I treat it almost as if it were a daily task. For whatever reason, my online reading takes precedence over print, though it shouldn’t. Here is my current list of books that I’m trying to finish off (all are very good, from what I’ve read):

  • Getting Real (20% complete, sound methodologies for web development)
  • Liar’s Poker (50% complete; hilarious book on the life of a bond salesman in the 80’s)
  • Small Giants (40% complete; inspirational book for small businesses more in favor of control than growth)
  • Juicing the Orange (1% complete; leveraging design and creativity as a business advantage)

Anyone already finished the above? What books are you trying to finish off?

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Social media involves more than just the web

If you think social media only involves websites, think again. Though the internet is definitely a primary enabler of social media, it is not the sole host platform. Case in point: Nationwide’s Life Comes At You Fast campaign that displays user-submitted photos on a New York City digital billboard at Times Square. Photos are projected on the side of a skyscaper for one hour each weekday with an extremely high participation (who wouldn’t like to see their mug up on the side of a huge building?).

Social media is merely a brand’s embrace of user-generated content to increase consumer participation, which increases ownership and a passion for the organization to succeed on a broad, community-based level. Expect to see a variety of uses in the coming years.

[via Fast Company, 10/06 issue]

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Milkman retires after 70 years of deliveries

The AP writes: “An 80-year-old milkman who delivered to five generations of Hannibal [Missouri] residents has reluctantly retired after 70 years of friendly, prompt service… He said he never had to lay off an employee, although some months he didn’t make a dime. ‘But we never did without a meal, in the 56 years [he and his wife] have been married,’ he said.”

Too bad that kind of loyalty, dedication, and customer service isn’t more celebrated.

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I’m “allergic” to season changes

I don’t know about you, but when the seasons change — mainly from cold to warm and warm to cold — I get sick. Now I can’t complain too much because I enjoy good health (knock on wood), but it never fails that I come down with something during the weather transition. As I went to bed last night, I started feeling it come on, and it hit me in full this morning. Not enough to call it quits, but definitely enough to frustrate my productivity.

What can I say, I’m “allergic” to the change in seasons.

First blog entry from space

Anousheh Ansari, founder of the X Prize and the fourth ‘space tourist’ to the International Space Station is maintaining a WordPress blog while in space for seven days. She says that internet is a batch process that happens only 3 times a day, and she doesn’t have a live browser to read comments (maybe she’s using email to blog?). She tells of how she moved to quick early in the flight, and remained sick for much of the time up until the docking process with the space station, that takes a very long two hour wait just to make sure everything is right.

From the post: “The time went by really slowly, but finally the moment arrived and they were ready to open the hatch. Mike and Misha called me closer and told me to take a good whiff because this would be the first time I would smell SPACE… They said it is a very unique smell. As they pulled the hatch open on the Soyuz side, I smelled ‘SPACE.’ It was strange… kind of like burned almond cookie. I said to them, ‘It smells like cooking’ and they both looked at me like I was crazy and exclaimed: ‘Cooking!'”

Another interesting tidbit: they sleep like bats in space.

[via Slashdot]

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Liquid vs. fixed website widths (and content)

I’ve been a long-time advocate for fixed-width websites for usability purposes. Humans optimally read when lines have fewer than 14 words on average because the reader can easily find the following line of text. Liquid widths, on the other hand, stretch the content, thus slowing down reading time for most humans.

Engadget — the largest blog on the internet — just updated their site to not only include liquid width for text, but for images as well (resize your browser window and notice how the image scales along with the text using CSS). While I like the effect and have developed sites that store a user preference of either fixed or liquid (see this one for example), I’m still not sold on using liquid widths when reading is involved.

Do you like liquid or fixed-width websites? When would you prefer one over the other?

Apple’s iPod vs. Microsoft’s Zune

Slashdot reports: “Wal-Mart accidentally published online the intended price of the Microsoft Zune; the iPod rival would apparently retail for $284. The price was quickly pulled from the Wal-Mart site. Reports say that Microsoft was flustered when Apple dropped the price for the iPod 30 GB, previously $299, to $249.”

I can’t imagine Zune selling at the same price as an iPod. Microsoft better make sure they significantly cut their unit price, because I personally don’t view wireless music transfers from pc to mp3 player (which Zune does) as a premium. iPod’s interface still to this day is the reason it’s such a good mp3 player. If Microsoft can’t challenge or add to that interface, it will still be a very tough battle for the world’s largest software maker.

How to make the NFL more fun to watch

I am a lover of college football. Other than what I believe is a game played with more heart as compared to the NFL, what really makes college football enjoyable to watch is the weekly ranking system, however controversial. Every televised college game places a ranking next to each team’s name denoting if either is ranked in the nation’s top 25 teams for that week. It gives context to an otherwise meaningless game (in terms of who you relate to). I don’t even know where Troy university is, but I know I’d like to see them upset the top 25 ranked Florida State Seminoles (which they almost did).

If the NFL used an overall league ranking system in addition to division and conference standings, I’d watch it more. College football FTW!

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Overhead at a networking event: “We have no competition”

When asked about his upstart’s possible competitors, I recently heard a CEO say: “We have no competition.”

Oh really? Statements like this just make me cringe. I actually find myself embarrassed for how stupid such a person involved in business sounds when saying something like this. What’s worse, the individual in questions actually runs a commoditized website. What does a commodity product tell us kids? A whole lotta competition, that’s what.

All facetiousness aside, you really owe it to yourself, your company, and your product to determine weaknesses and challenges, never underestimating your competition, both direct and indirect (they both exist).

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Map of the 500 most innovative companies using IT

Geographical map of the 500 most innovative companies using business technology according to Information Week. The organizations tend to be the biggest with the largest IT spending budgets, company size and IT spending must be increasing, and past performance is also taken into consideration. Utah places three on the map: Flying J (yeah, the gas station), Ingenix, and IHC. My hometown of Carrollton, GA just west of Atlanta puts one on the map: Southwire.

New Nintendo system launching Nov. 19

Nintendo officially announced their upcoming game console entitled Wii (pronounced “we”) today that will launch on Nov. 19 for $250. What makes this system unique is that the company is marketing it to both gamers (read: me) and non-gamers such as my mom in an effort to expand the video game market. To do this, the console leverages a motion sensing controller (pictured) that looks more like a TV remote and works in 3D space, meaning, no more using complex button schemes to move on-screen objects.

I had a chance to play a prototype unit back in May at a games conference and was extremely impressed. It is one of the most intuitive software interfaces I’ve ever used. The new console is bundled with a series of minigames including tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing all catered to the non-gamer. Wii will also allow owners to download and play games from all of Nintendo’s previous systems and features built-in wireless for web browsing, news, weather, messaging, photos, and videos all using the pointing device.

For the non-gamers out there, is Nintendo’s intended approach at all appealing?

Free niche business idea: iPod repair service

I’ve received two calls in the last month from people seeking iPod repair service. My office line is 801-494-2029 and Apple has a preferred provider with the number 801-494-2920 so you can see how easy it would be to mix things up.

I remember last year my wife’s uncle asking how to fix his iPod without losing all his music. It seemed he would do just about anything to ensure the safe return of his MP3 player and music library. The problem was easily solved, and I can’t tell you how happy he was to have it fixed. I bet he would have paid $50-100, maybe even more for the service provided.

Cost of an iPod: $200-400. Cost of an iPod with thousands of purchased songs (or even “borrowed”) plus time spent organizing, ripping and uploading music: $10-15k, maybe more. There’s a good margin in there.

Internet radio still great sans “2.0” hoopla

I just listened to an internet radio station streaming at 192kbps (CD quality) via iTunes. It was the first time I’ve done so in over 2 years. While I know millions use the technology, I had forgotten how much I enjoy it in light of all this podcast, “2.0” hoopla (not to take away from that).

Do you listen to internet radio? If so, by what means?

What defines an “entrepreneur”

I was talking with a client yesterday regarding how some individuals would like to be known as an entrepreneurs, even labeling themselves as such, though they are doing nothing in terms of assuming risk and taking initiative to generate income. So here was my response to him regarding my definition of entrepreneur with sub-definitions:

  • Entrepreneur – Someone who assumes risk, takes initiative, and manages an enterprise to generate income, not relying on “the man” to get paid.
  • Unaccomplished entrepreneur – Someone who successfully generates income and builds wealth for himself or his family, but not directly for others (i.e. contractors, freelancers, consultants, etc.)
  • Successful entrepreneur – Someone who builds wealth directly for more than one individual or family.

How do you define an entrepreneur?

5 years later: My thoughts on 9/11

Lindsey and I watched the story of the engine 7 firehouse from NYC during 9/11 on CBS last night. It contained amateur video of that day’s terrible events. Amazingly, every fireman survived despite almost all of them being on upper floors of the North Tower (which collapsed second). This documentary stirred up a lot of feelings: Feelings of loss, feelings of hurt, feelings of how cowardly terrorists are, feelings of frustration that nothing has been rebuilt, feelings of disappointment by how the Bush Administration has handled most everything, and feelings of what I’d like done. They are: Continue reading…

Getting out of your comfort zone (I karaoke)

I finally cracked down and tried karaoke in a public place. Lindsey and I went to a fund-raising party last night at the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City (thanks, Josh!), and when I caught eye of the karaoke center, I decided to give “Sweet Caroline” a shot. I wouldn’t have done so had it not been for my previous experience at a Florida resort earlier this year (see Why Neil Diamond Is “So Good”).

How did it turn out? I did okay, only cracking my voice once. Will I regularly take up karaoke? Probably not. But I haven’t been that nervous and “out of place” in a long time. It was a good feeling and reminded me how important it is to get out of your comfort zone once in a while.

When’s the last time you did something unexpected?

Professional yet playful communication

I’ve had an epiphany of sorts in the way I interact and communicate with several of my business prospects and clients since the beginning of this year: Spicing things up a bit while remaining professional can really make a difference in how people respond. It’s what I call professional yet playful communication (PP communication for short).

To give you an idea, here is how I responded to a prospective (now current) client last month regarding some project management concerns of his: “I’m am a project management ninja!” Cocky? A little. But I’ve built my business atop a well-thought out project management process, so a word like “ninja” sounds so much better, more enjoyable, and less dull then some overused and tired business cliche not worth repeating.

Take a look at the phase names of another site we’re developing:

  1. Phase I – A New Hope
  2. Phase II – The Twinkie Strikes Back
  3. Phase III – Return of the Investment

Silly? Maybe. But it’s made the work more enjoyable for all involved, and it gets results. Granted, I may not land every deal while using such a juvenile word like ninja, but a majority have no option but to take notice and more often than not appreciate the comedic differentiation, however off-the-wall.

This isn’t to say I avoid a more conventional approach when a prospect warrants it, but even then I try to be candid and personable as possible. So do you mix things up in your professional communication, or is it all business?

Never give up

As long-time Smooth Harold readers may already know, I’m big on people doing what they love (if sustainable, of course) no matter what the obstacles. As an unaccomplished entrepreneur trying to grow, such examples serve as inspiration and encouragement for me. Enter the story of one Wade Daniels.

Wade is married to my wife’s cousin. He has wanted to become a doctor since a young age. He studied pre-med and worked at a hospital during his undergraduate degree. He took the MCAT and applied to both top- and lower-level medical schools last year. His preferred school of choice, which is also where he got his bachelor’s, was the much acclaimed medical school of the University of Utah. To his disappointment, he was accepted to none. Not even the lesser known schools offered him a spot due to poor MCAT scores. When most people would have gone into something else, Wade–out of a love for medicine– decided to keep working at the hospital and study for the MCAT again for a full year.

Earlier this summer, and after re-taking the medical test to much better results, Wade got accepted to medical school. And wouldn’t you know it, it was his top pick and one of the most difficult to get into (especially as a native of Utah): The School of Medicine at the University of Utah.

I compromised my Digg integrity

This post is a little lessoned learned in social networking: A couple of weeks ago, I compromised my Digg integrity. That is, I unwillingly voted for a Digg post after being solicited three times from a colleague of mine (you know who you are, Ace). I did it as a courtesy even though I didn’t “dig” what was being asked of me to Digg. There wasn’t anything wrong with the post, it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

The same thing happens when people you barely know bug you with LinkedIn invitations. I occasionally get an invitation from someone and think to myself: “Dude, I can’t vouch for your work. I don’t even know you.”

The take-away? There’s nothing wrong with asking for a Digg, recommendation, social networking action, or whatever, but ask once and once only. People will act if they appreciate what is being asked. In the case of Digg, put a request out there and only expect people to Digg what they like. That makes the whole process authentic thus enabling the social bookmarking tool, or any voting/recommendation tool for that matter, to work more effectively.

RSS stands for “Rarely Seen Sites”

Is RSS unproven technology? The Browser writes: “Well, here’s a reality check: Dead2.0 points to recent research that shows that only 1 in 10 people have even heard of RSS, and a mere 2 percent actually use it. That’s a pretty lousy adoption rate for a technology which dates back to 1999.”

Though 80% of my web use is via RSS, it will be interesting to see if really simple syndication really catches on with a mass audience. Part of me thinks that many users still enjoy the “experience” of visiting a website rather than just having text and image content pushed out to them. That desired experience probably fuels the other 20% of my web use.

What are the best free print publications?

I get quite a few free business and technology magazines. Most of them are crap and my favorite, CMO Magazine (which even rivaled Business 2.0 at times in terms of content), went belly up in January of this year. I will recommend Information Week, though, as a free print publication with few ads and “to-the-point” articles which are, for the most part, well written and informative.

What free print publications do you enjoy?

Where the jobs are, openings per capita

The above image depicts current job postings per capita for the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in the United States according to meta job search, Indeed. The bigger the dot, the more job postings per capita.

Where are you?

Your blog is so good you need social bookmarking icons on every post!

Maybe you’ve seen the below pictured icons on a blog or website before. They generally follow every single blog post suggesting that the site owner thinks all their writings are so good that every reader should graciously submit every single post to a social bookmarking site with the end result of increasing traffic. Doesn’t sound as glamorous or effective when put that way, does it? And when is the last time you actually used one of these after reading a post?

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with with self-submitting or suggesting a worthy blog post or article to be socially bookmarked. I just think most bloggers are presumptions.

Digg this post. (how avante-garde, eh?)

Social bookmarking icons

Defeating the green-eyed money envy monster

Yahoo! Finance writes: “To overcome money envy, we need to figure out our purpose, identify what we love and value most, and make our money obey our values by setting specific financial goals… This isn’t a one-time exercise, but a lifelong struggle. The Joneses, the media, and American culture will forever seduce us to betray what is genuinely meaningful for what is comfortable, beautiful, and enviable.”

Yet another entry in Smooth Harold’s “giving money the bird” series.

[via Lifehacker]

Management consulting defined

Amazon reviewer Elijah Chingosho writes: “Good consultants employ Socratic questioning of their clients. Socrates is immortalized at least in part for his teaching approach of asking a line of questions that leads the student to discover answers for themselves. When clients discover answers to their problems, rather than simply hear them from the consultant, they will own the answers. Their ability to hold onto the concepts, apply them, and improve their situation will significantly improve. Therefore, when the author [of the book being reviewed] states that consultants are merely providing information that the client already knows, he is missing the point. What consultants need to learn is to improve their ability to help clients discover (through the use of Socratic questioning), their problems and then come up with practical workable solutions.”

Recommendations and implementation apply as well (in many cases), but that’s a fundamentally sound definition of where a consultant’s true value is derived.

See also: Lessons learned from Hitch

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5 entrepreneur beliefs demystified

Entrepreneur Magazine demystifies five common beliefs with my commentary in parenthesis:

  1. Do what you love, and the money will follow (You gotta make sure someone will buy what you love, but this is virtually true in most logical cases.)
  2. You’ll miss the security of a job (There ain’t much security in the corporate world. You want security? Get tenured in academia.)
  3. If you don’t grow, you’ll die (Sounds right, but it’s wrong. The Small Giants book backs that claim up, as do a thousand other companies.)
  4. If it’s such a good idea, somebody would have thought of it already (90% of business is execution. Wrong.)
  5. You can’t start a business without a lot of money (I started my company with $100. Granted, service businesses are much cheaper, but many product companies started as service companies to fund future R&D.)

No such thing as a “no-sale” call

“There is no such thing as a no-sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can’t. Either way, a sale is made, the only question is?who is gonna close? You or him?”
– Jim Young, from The Boiler Room

Similar to the ABC’s of selling (always be closing). How I wish it were that simple.

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Weekend edition: What I’m currently movie-ing, music-ing, and book-ing

I’m currently enjoying the following movie, album, and book for the rare times I’m offline digesting content:

  • Movie: Invincible (PG) – Lindsey and I don’t get to watch movies much anymore due to our very active 11-month old daughter. With in-law baby-sitters representing, we were able to catch Disney’s new (sans cheesy lines) football movie, Invincible. It is one of the most inspiring movies since Field of Dreams, and you don’t even have to like sports or football to appreciate the film’s drama and excitement. I give it 5/5 stars. From the synopsis: “This inspiring sports movie stars Mark Wahlberg as Vince Papale, a Philadelphia Eagles fan who in 1976 lost his wife and teaching job. The 30-year-old bartender enters an open try-out for the Philadelphia Eagles and makes the squad, becoming the oldest rookie to make the NFL.”
  • Music: On Your Side – This album by a band called Magnet is incredible. Easily one of my favorite musical discoveries of the year (maybe of the last two). If you like really relaxing folk/pop/electronic music, this album by the Norwegian song-writer is for you.
  • Book: Small Giants by Bo Burlingham – A book that makes small businesses feel good with being small, showcasing motivational stories of 14 entrepreneurs that stick it to the man, the status quo, and money in favor of control. Full review to follow.

What offline content are you currently consuming?

7 questions to consider for naming a company

My slightly modified and summarized questions for developing a good company name from a previous 9 Rules article:

  1. Is the company name distinct?
  2. Is it short and sweet (brevity)?
  3. Is it relative, or appropriate?
  4. Is it easy to remember?
  5. Could it become popular? (be honest with yourself, ace)
  6. Can you extend the name’s use?
  7. Can it be trade marked?

Answer those with feedback from outsiders, and you’ll be well on your way towards an effective company name. As a parting shot, don’t sweat your company name too much: a name means nothing unless the backing entity has credibility and adds value to the customer.

Pluto no longer a planet

Our solar system has been downsized today from nine planets to eight. The Associated Press writes: “Leading astronomers declared Thursday [August 24, 2006] that Pluto is no longer a planet under historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight. After a tumultuous week of clashing over the essence of the cosmos, the International Astronomical Union stripped Pluto of the planetary status it has held since its discovery in 1930 [by American scientist Clyde Tombaugh].”

[via Kottke]

What to do with overly critical comments on your blog?

A colleague of mine received a very critical and biased comment on his blog today. He asked me how he should react. My reply: Keep critical comments, however illogical, posted on your blog. Let your community decide for itself how credible your blog content is even taking into consideration user-generated comments. Rarely, if ever, will a blog community fail to take care of outlier comments.

The blogger then asked if he should even post a reply to the comment. That’s “your choice,” I told him, but if he decided to post a reply, he should be tactful about it. Staying classy in a comment reply will only make an illogical comment look less intelligent, though that should never be your goal in posting a comment reply.

How do you deal with overly critical blog comments?

Business 2.0: Blogging for big bucks

News flash: Blogging rakes in serious cash, both directly and indirectly with very little overhead. Business 2.0 writes: “[] is pulling in $60,000 in ad revenue every month. That’s 10 times what the site was making earlier this year, which was when [site founder and chief blogger] Arrington, convinced of the potentially monstrous riches ahead, quit his day job as president of a startup to blog full-time.”

Follow the source for the full article that not only explores high profile bloggers and their earnings, but where the business model is headed, middle men advertisers, and how blogs are changing CPM’s for the better through the use of targeted niche traffic.

And if you only read one article on the business of blogging, go read the oh-so insightful Blogs to Riches piece from New Yorker magazine.

MLB Players Poll: Toughest Places To Play

What are the toughest parks to play professional baseball, according to the players? Sports Illustrated writes: “Among the 392 current major league players surveyed, 83 (21.2 percent) voted Yankee Stadium (pictured) as the most difficult place to play as a visiting player. The numbers back them up: Since Joe Torre took over as manager in 1996 through 2005, the Yankees are 513-292 (.637) at home in the Bronx, where the fans are close to the field and into the action.” Fenway Park in Boston and Wrigly Field in Chicago rounded out the top three.

Out of the current 30 MLB parks, I have now visited seven of them. 23 more to go.

HP outperforming Dell in PC sales

Information Week reports on momentum by HP in the PC industry as compared to Dell’s poor performance as of late. From the article: “The decision to offer additional AMD products comes as Dell’s market share erodes. The company shipped 9.7 million PCs in the second quarter, for a 17.7% market share, marking 11.6% growth in units shipped over the same quarter last year. HP sold 8.1 million PCs in the second quarter, for a 14.8% market share, but racked up growth of 13.8%.”

With Dell having to recall 4 million hard drives because many blow up in flames, the company isn’t quite what it used to be. I used to swear by Dell, but the last PC I bought was an HP, and I love it. What brand do you prefer for your PC needs?

Outsourcing your Super Bowl commercial to a user audience?

User-generated Super Bowl commercials, not to mention the mass amount of YouTube and online publicity, begin now for the world’s most link-to blog, Engadget. The gadget blog is soliciting home-grown commercials from its audience for airing during this year’s Super Bowl in exchange for a $3,500 laptop. Not a bad idea, regardless of the $2.5M 30 second spot.

Disclaimer: I write for AOL’s Weblogs Inc., the parent company of Engadget.

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FREE list of 20 products and services found online

I’d like to think of myself as a resourceful web ninja. That is, when I need something, I’ll look online for some type of free offering or alternative prior to buying. Case in point: Late last year I heard a song by this band called the Pernice Brothers entitled “There goes the sun.” I found the track on iTunes and was just about ready to “splurge” on the whole $.99 cent track, then it hit me: “Go see if you can find a free online download that many bands offer, you web ninja!” It took me about 10 seconds of Googling to find the same song, free of charge (and legal), and at a higher 192 bit rate than the lower quality iTunes mp3 (mp3 here via Spin). While I can’t always vouch for “free,” here are some useful links either in full or in part:

What are some of your favorite online freebies?

Information architecture: List of tools for diagramming

Diagramming tools, the information architect’s hammer. Vitality Friedman’s has compiled a list of nifty diagramming tools, including tutorials on IA, free diagramming software, web-based diagram software (Gliffy and Ajaxio), and a list of commercial software programs. I use Visio on PC and OmniGraffle on Mac.

What do you use for diagramming?

Awkward interviews and “I’m your guy”

Several months ago, I was conducting interviews on a panel for a company I worked for. The panel interviewed about 8 different individuals. Sadly, what I remember most about the process, even more than the two individuals that actually got hired, was the second prospective employee interview. He was a young buck right out of college, a little eccentric, and simply wasn’t what the position required. You could just tell.

After thanking the applicant for coming in, he stood up, pointed to himself with both thumbs in the air and said, “I’m your guy! Let me just tell you that I’m your guy!” Don’t tell me you’re my guy, show me! Worse still, who taught this kid to do this? Needless to say, it was an awkward moment.

I’ve had my fair share of bad interviewee experiences too, however. About three years ago, I was interviewed by Payless Shoe Source for some corporate position (don’t ask, not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m just a Nike guy). The company had found my student resume while I attended BYU, and invited me to interview. I was flattered and obliged, but neither I nor the interviewer were impressed. I remember at the end asking him what he liked most about working for the discount shoe company, and his response was that he got to “wear business casual instead of suits.” It was awkward, funny, and yet, a little sad at the same time. I can’t imagine the primary reason for working somewhere to be the wearing of casual attire, that is, unless you have an unusual fetish for sweatpants.

Being a good fit in sales

Smooth Harold gets a lot of hits from the good ‘ole search engines on how to be a good salesman. But I don’t consider myself a good salesman. Well, at least a hard-selling salesman. Reason being is that my whole approach in driving new business has been the “good fit” method. That is, I do the best I can in the capacity I most enjoy using my work techniques. The client does the same. If those two approaches are aligned, and both parties feel comfortable with the relationship, it’s a go.

In my first year after starting my company, I ignorantly believed that I was the best company for every other business in existence. That’s just not the case anymore (nor was it ever), as I’ve tried to differentiate my efforts which inherently don’t work for everyone.

I’m not saying the “good fit” method works for all salesman, but it has made my closing efforts more enjoyable, less emotional, and more confidant.

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Million Dollar Homepage Clone Tries To Get Muted

Some dude named Jason has started a pretty interesting “social site” experiment dubbed MuteJason that’s a MillionDollarHomepage clone with a twist. From the about page: “After all the [website] adspace has sold, I will take a vow of silence for a year. Complete silence, I will be unable to talk to family, friends, even strangers. ANYONE. There is only one exception, and that will be the podcast I will do when the adspace sells out. In the podcast I’’ll talk about what its like not to be able to talk to anyone, how family and friends feel about it, funny things that happen, etc.”

I’m betting he’ll get the publicity, sell his adspace, and talk in private. Humans need vocal conversation.

[via Calacanis]

Victory (1981) Ending and Crappy Movies

I’m a sucker for predictable 1980 plotlines. Or better yet, movies that are just extremely easy to follow. I still enjoy clever and smart films, but I really like the numerous simple ones that the 1980’s served up.

Enter the above clip from one of my favorite movies, Victory. It’s cheesy, has horrible acting, and terrible lines, but I love it. The movie is about a P.O.W. allied soccer team that plays against the German National Team in a “friendly” propaganda match during World War II. The clip shows the last 14 minutes when the allied team unexpectedly “wins” the match and escapes to freedom.

Another gem from the 1980’s: Karate Kid II. Great movie! What crappy movies do you like?

I eat Photoshop warnings like this for breakfast

Photoshop Warning
I was working with some large files in Photoshop today when I got the above message. I love when my computer taunts me like this. This error’s got nothing on me ’cause I keep my computer in tip-top shape and loaded with memory.

Oh, but how many times I’ve lost in battle with my computer…

How to be concise? Avoid these 24 words…

… And don’t write long posts on how to be concise. Regardless, try and use the alternatives in parenthesis when you can:

  1. additional (extra)
  2. advise (tell)
  3. applicant (you)
  4. commence (start)
  5. complete (fill in)
  6. comply with (keep to)
  7. consequently (so)
  8. ensure (make sure)
  9. forward (send)
  10. in accordance with (under, keeping to)
  11. in excess of (more than)
  12. in respect of (for)
  13. in the event of (if)
  14. on receipt (when we/you get)
  15. on request (if you ask)
  16. particulars (details)
  17. per annum (a year)
  18. persons (people)
  19. prior to (before)
  20. purchase (buy)
  21. regarding (about)
  22. should you wish (if you wish)
  23. terminate (end)
  24. whilst (while)

Making gutsy moves in life

Chutzpah. That’s Yiddish for “gutsy,” and I really like seeing human beings demonstrate it. My former partner and still good friend, Robert Bradford, is demonstrating lots of chutzpah this very week. After Robert decided to move on in his career late last year, he took a good paying job with a large home builder as a database administrator. I could sense early on that he just was digging it. The passion wasn’t there and from some of his comments, he just sounded like a fish out of water.

About a month ago, I got a call from Robert. He said, “I think I’m moving to up state New York.” “What’s in up state New York,” I asked, to which he replied, “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out” (kind of the same reaction when Ray told his wife in Field of Dreams he needed to go to Boston). Movie scenarios aside, Robert had a very strong impression that’s where he needed to be. So he picked up, bought a car due to his old one being run down, and made the several thousand mile trip from Arizona to New York not fully knowing where he’d live and what he’d be doing for an income.

I also had a friend whose brother went to school to become an accountant, only to hate life several years later working for one of the big four accountancies making a grundle of money. He quit his job and went back to school to become a teacher where he more than likely makes a third of what he did but enjoys what he does, and most of all, is passionate about it.

Be it moving cross-country or ditching a planned career path, what are some examples of gutsy moves in your life or the lives of people you know?