Blake Snow
writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author
- 24044
- “Americans don’t need to worry about another depression,” says CNN
- “Be interesting, don’t be boring,” says Most Interesting Man in the World
- “Dad, are you being a jerk?”
- “Except once my pants are on, I make dubstep mixes”
- “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty” explains why neighborhoods decline
- “Faux sash” trying to become signature look of U.S. national soccer team
- “Gross” doesn’t begin to describe this parental nightmare
- “Hey, I’m in the band!”
- “Honest business man” threatens legal action for not being able to steal internet bandwidth
- “I can do better:” 7 proven ways to be more honest and earnest with yourself and others
- “I need some privacy”
- “I swear, this is for work.”
- “I’m average, but average people make it!”
- “I’m bigger than you. Stop telling me what to do.”
- “I’m in love with this band”—My top 10 Timber Timbre songs
- “Information discovery problem”? Give me a break.
- “Just write it off as a business expense!”
- “Most humans don’t want the truth—they want to be told they’re okay.”
- “Mostly water weight!” My before and afters
- “My other home is nicer”—I haven’t been this excited about doormats since forever
- “Never eat alone” isn’t just a helpful book on networking, it’s a way of life
- “No one dies wishing they spent more time online:” Author of Log Off (that’s me!)
- “No, I’m asking you a question.”
- “Professional” Althletes*
- “Stuck in time:” The life story of Ralph Macchio as told by The Karate Kid
- “Take it easy, man”
- “That’s much better.”
- “The American dream is alive and well,” according to these two paragliders
- “Top Guns:” The brilliant magazine article that inspired the movie
- “When I was your age, people used to comment on blogs”
- “Your book changed my life:” How Log Off grants an extra 20-40 hours every week
- 🤘 I was the sixth most read story last year
- ’80s flashback: Tubular scene with gnarly music
- (One) of the best music videos, ever.
- 10 commodities I constantly love
- 10 frequently asked questions for a self-employed writer
- 10 habits for a healthy relationship with food
- 10 habits of healthy, happy, long-living people
- 10 largest American cities without a professional sports team
- 10 reasons my dad is awesome
- 10 reasons we’re wrong about the world (and how to fix them)
- 10 Reasons Web 2.0 is Stupid
- 10 Signs That You May Be a Blog Addict
- 10 things about the future of newspapers you need to understand
- 10 things I fervently believe
- 10 things I learned after reading The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman
- 10 things I’m thankful for this instant
- 10 things I’ve thought about recently
- 10 things not to buy used and living on $12k/year
- 10 things that scare me: 2013 edition
- 10 things that scare the crap out of me (2007 edition)
- 10 things to read after logging off for half a year
- 10 things you might now know about me
- 10 ways frugality can actually cost you
- 10 years after quitting Facebook, I still have friends
- 10 years ago: How I hung clothes
- 100 fails for 8 successes
- 100% of Americans are liars, says CNN poll
- 101 Dumbest Moments of 2006
- 10th Planet in the Solar System
- 11 ways to upgrade your travel game
- 11 years after becoming a paid writer, I finally learned the difference between em dashes and parenthesis
- 12 foolproof ways to start a conversation
- 12 questions with the author of Log Off (that’s me!) about offline success
- 13 food strategies to combat gluttony
- 13 things I learned in France
- 14 fantastic long reads that will make you smarter
- 15 things that make you happier
- 15 travel movies to enjoy in quarantine
- 15 years later…
- 16 years as a freelance writer: How I got to where I am today (hint: luck & persistence)
- 17 questions that can free your mind
- 17 ways to love your home, according to science
- 1923 dance, say ‘hello’ to 1997 music
- 2 Step Lead Generation
- 20 business cliches that make you sound stupid
- 20 Pro Web Design Tips
- 20 things I learned about life and business reading Shoe Dog by the creator of Nike
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- 2005: The Turning Point For Online Ads
- 2006 FIFA World Cup TV Schedule
- 25 status updates you should never make on Facebook
- 3 adventure movies to add to your watchlist
- 3 great untruths to stop telling kids (and ourselves)
- 3 habits of healthy living: Eat clean, move more, sleep well
- 3 hours too late: The price of slowly replying to email
- 3 months later: What I learned after publishing my first book (with video)
- 3 proven ways to cope with quarantine
- 3 reasons this is still the best toothbrush I’ve ever used
- 3 reasons why mainstream media so liberal
- 3 things I learned starting an employee training company in quarantine
- 3 ways to save your life (motivational speech)
- 3 ways to spot when someone is lying
- 30 conversation starters that can help you make friends and learn new things
- 30 funniest Jerry Seinfeld quotes
- 37 Signals on meetings
- 4 ways to “live heads up” this summer
- 5 alternative hiking shoes that rock
- 5 companies that hold a special place in my heart
- 5 different values: Why half of the people you disagree with aren’t stupid
- 5 entrepreneur beliefs demystified
- 5 great outdoors that cross borders
- 5 guidelines in building a successful blog
- 5 lessons learned after visiting every country
- 5 new things that blessed my life this year
- 5 questions for the author of Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting
- 5 questions I wish a bold journalist would ask the president
- 5 reasons America has the most catastrophic weather in the world
- 5 reasons forgiveness is better than revenge
- 5 reasons Guerilla Marketing isn’t Viral Marketing
- 5 reasons sad stories are good for you
- 5 reasons spy bosses are the worst ever
- 5 rules to live by, according to a 101 year-old
- 5 sensations every human should experience (updated with video)
- 5 simple tips that vastly improve your writing
- 5 smart ways to do more in less time
- 5 stunning photos of Utah’s great outdoors
- 5 things dance class taught me
- 5 things I enjoyed reading this weekend
- 5 things I haven’t shared until now
- 5 things I learned after publishing Log Off, the best-selling book that changed my life
- 5 things I learned after visiting Antarctica
- 5 things I learned after visiting New Zealand
- 5 things I learned recently after watching Dishonesty documentary
- 5 things I learned watching 180° South
- 5 things I wish my BlackBerry could do
- 5 things I’m excited about at this point in life
- 5 things I’ve learned about photography in 10 years of marriage
- 5 things I’ve written that I hope you’ll read
- 5 things that made my summer
- 5 Things to Know About Lookout Cay, Disney’s New Private “Island”
- 5 things to know about Marriott’s first all-inclusive resort
- 5 things to know before traveling in a pandemic
- 5 tips for traveling with kids
- 5 ways adventure travel makes you a better person
- 5 ways the great outdoors will make you a better person
- 5 ways to become a better writer (according to George Orwell)
- 5 ways to change the world
- 5 ways to get kids off their phones
- 5 ways to get rich in 5 years
- 5 ways to make better decisions, according to science
- 5 ways to make better decisions, according to science
- 5 ways to overcome disagreements
- 5 ways to rig your environment for success
- 5 ways to wake up with more energy (according to research)
- 5 ways you’re wasting money on travel
- 5 years later, these 10 cell phone commandmants still ring true
- 5 years later: My thoughts on 9/11
- 5+ bands I’m digging right now
- 50 Beautiful web designs of 2006
- 50 common interview questions and how to answer them
- 50/50: My wife is so much more than a “silent” business partner
- 56 reasons my wife is better than yours
- 6 Fads To Ignore
- 6 food staycations to mimic the real thing
- 6 long-form stories I hope you’ll read
- 6 months later: How a $2 billion startup failed
- 6 poignant quotes that embody Ernest Hemingway
- 6 recent things I really like
- 6 rules for clear writing: Anyone who types or constructs sentences should know these
- 6 tips to avoid holiday weight gain
- 6 ways to become a more confident athlete
- 6 ways to make world travel less scary
- 6 ways to satisfy your travel bug when you can’t leave your house
- 60% Difference Between Google Top Spots?
- 7 good reasons to read my book—Log Off: How to Stay Connected after Disconnecting
- 7 mental health resolutions, backed by science
- 7 new long reads that will make you smarter
- 7 parenting facts, backed by science
- 7 questions to consider for naming a company
- 7 situations to remain silent (good to know)
- 7 things I don’t miss about Georgia
- 7 things I learned in Costa Rica last week
- 7 tips for putting down your phone this holiday
- 8 alternatives to college
- 8 exotic spots for U.S. passcard holders
- 8 hygiene habits that changed my life
- 8 people you should be extra kind to
- 8 reasons Obama is better than you think
- 8 things World Cup winners have in common
- 8 ways summer sucks
- 8 ways to beat someone at golf
- 8 ways to conquer your smartphone obsession
- 8 ways to get people to like you
- 8 ways to overcome uncertainty
- 8 ways to raise resilient children
- 80’s Night: Help promote my band’s biggest show ever w/ cool posters 😎
- 9 curious questions to help you cut through boring small talk
- 9 habits I want to absorb this spring
- 99% of the internet travels along the ocean floor. These sea guardians keep it afloat
- Blood and Thunder is riveting history on the half truths of the American West
- Log Off coverage: 5 ways to limit internet use
- Ready Player One persuasively challenges extreme escapism and digital obsession
- Tom Cruise: Anatomy of an Actor is a case study on acting, ambition, and acceptance
- @Twitter: Smooth Harold is snubbing you, staying lean, and rolling his own updates. Here’s how in 1-3 easy steps:
- A baby’s smile is a natural high
- A better way to internet: Use keyword commands for faster searching
- A Blogger is just a Writer with a Cooler Name
- A brief interview: What I value most in life
- A Case For Entrepreneurs
- A Case For Sharp Cheddar
- A fanny pack is the only travel bag you need
- A geek’s guide to avoiding buyer’s remorse
- A history of famous logo designs
- A little about myself
- A moral wrong doesn’t mean illegal
- A political cartoon is worth a thousand words
- A shift in where venture capital will go
- A short history of technophobia: Why it matters
- A tale of two Ron Paul TV promos
- A thought on teamwork (or running a business)
- A trio of new stories for MSNBC and Venture Beat
- A-Rod worth more money than Florida Marlins roster, apparently
- About the book I’m writing
- Accidental release: The best sign I saw all year
- Acknowledgments: Without these people, I wouldn’t be here
- Actually, defense doesn’t win championships, dummy
- Ad of the year: “Find your greatness”
- Addicted to “Crackberry”
- Adobe to launch FREE online Photoshop in six months
- Adolf Hitler: Top 10 facts
- Ads Coming to iTunes and iPods
- Ads for Microsoft Office 2007 are futile
- Adventures in Poor Advertising
- After 40 episodes, my co-hosts and I have ended The Manthology Show
- After making a mistake, this sign instantly cheered me up
- After reviewing dozens of energy bars, Zing won on taste, texture, and nutrition
- After seeing this movie, I’m never complaining about air travel again
- After visiting 35 “United States,” these are the ones that stand out (so far)
- Again, Freakonomics authors liken voting to playing the lottery
- Again, if it sounds too good to be true…
- Against my will, I’ve become a “Sorry, I got a bad back” guy
- Aggregating the aggregators
- Airborne settles false advertising suit for $23M. So who got duped?
- AJAX not Google Real Challenge for MS
- All Marketers Are Liars
- All you ever need to know about employee appreciation
- Alpine Loop pretends to be New England
- Although ideal for families, my car doesn’t attract the ladies
- Aluminum Anomaly
- Amazing documentary on Tetris
- Amazing Photos of China
- America exports a lot of planes, medicinal machines, computers, cars, and plastic
- America quick to invent green technology but slow to adopt it
- America: “The greatest attempt at democracy the world has ever seen”
- American in London
- American parents: 16 beliefs I’ve forced upon my children
- Americans react to congressional passage of unpopular healthcare bill
- An economist defends tax cuts for the wealthy and seemingly hates child credits
- An Open Alternative to eBay
- An open letter to Coca Cola
- An open letter to my dead father
- An update on an old friend, Matt Holliday
- And the best book on advertising is…
- And the best United State to live in is…
- And the first ever Griffio print ad looks like…
- And the nominees for best Internet synonyms are…
- And the playlist of the year goes to…
- Animation (gif): Make me a website for free since we are friends
- Another article suggesting DMR-less MP3’s can overthrow the iTunes empire
- Another day, another report on falling crime rates in America. Will anyone listen?
- Another reason you should be reading my wife’s blog instead of mine
- Another Snow Celebrity Citing
- Anxiously engaged: 5 hobbies I like
- Any person wearing a black mock turtleneck needs to watch this documentary, NOW
- Any tips for a first time cruiser?
- AOL Bleeds Customers
- AOL cannibalizing Engadget with new tech blog
- Apple backpedals on exploiting early iPhone adopters
- Apple CEO: “iPhone alerts are bad for you”
- Apple embraces DRM-less music
- Apple is proof that in an open world, secrecy rules
- Apple is the new Microsoft (they’re just a lot cooler)
- Apple Officially Supports Windows
- Apple sales increase by 75%
- Apple still defining its competitor better than its competitor
- Apple wants you to buy their headphones for iPhone
- Apple winning behind closed doors
- Apple’s forgotten “third founder”
- Apple’s iPod vs. Microsoft’s Zune
- Apple’s new homepage ad is dang effective
- Apps are guilty until proven innocent
- Are beeping teeth the same as x-ray verified cavities?
- Are we learning from our past or basking in it?
- Are you kidding me? 37 consecutive mag ads?
- Are you ready for some football?
- Art-astic!
- As a father of toddlers, I’ll allow this
- As an aging athlete, playing competitive soccer humbles and encourages me
- As seen in Bear Lake, Idaho
- As the sands of time, so are the days of air traffic control
- Ask me anything: How I became a writer
- Ask questions first, spank later
- At French Open, U.S. men could tie Grand Slam drought
- At Home: A not-so riviting history of domestic life
- At least the U.S. House of Representatives still “gets it”
- At the movies: Is applause appropriate in the absence of performers?
- Attention first, old people, regulatory vetos: Why America is running out of ideas
- Attention, humans: How to influence more and be persuaded less
- Authentic blogging
- Author introductions get in the way of great literature
- Auto Form Filling
- Avoiding my email for a day to get “actual” work done
- Awkward interviews and “I’m your guy”
- Back in the camping saddle again
- Back in Town
- Backed by science: 14 ways to boost your productivity
- Backed by science: 7 behaviors that make people happy
- Backpacking Europe: The best shots I took while hiking The Alps
- Bad Business Cliches
- Bad customer service leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth
- Bad news for TV manufacturers
- Bang for your buck: The two best-values in smartphones today
- Baseball Begins…
- Batman Begins Review
- Battle of New Orleans
- Be a lamb. Help me identify this sad, sad song. UPDATED
- Be a Lovecat
- Be extra kind online to these 7 minorities
- Because three cops are better than one
- Beckham won’t make soccer popular in America
- Before sharing this on social media, check your motive at the door
- Before you exercise: 7 side effects of fitness
- Behind every great man is a greater woman
- Behold the mediocrity of the US’s involvement in iRack…
- Behold! Concept designs for the t-shirt company I failed to launch
- Behold, the best $1.33 you’ll ever spend on a public golf course hole
- Behold, the best software help menu ever!!!
- Being “forever alone” sounds horrible, just horrible
- Being a good fit in sales
- Best Christmas decoration ever
- Best cry scene ever
- Best definition of the mullet
- Best herbal teas ever
- Best jailbird uniforms ever
- Best kissing scene ever
- Best McDonald’s bathroom ever
- Best news story I’ve read in a long time
- Best of 2016 travel: Never do as the locals do, extreme theme parking, Antarctica
- Best of my blog: 15 years, 2000 posts later
- Best of Seattle
- Best of the 90’s
- Best product placement ever?
- Best punch dance scene ever
- Best road trip songs: Fall 2018 edition (with links to streaming audio)
- Best sign at this year’s World Cup (so far)
- Best songs I heard driving “The loneliest road in America”
- Best thing to do with a busted laptop
- Best thing you’ll see this week: A failing student passes math
- Best warning sign ever of all time
- Beta is dead
- Better circulation, skin, and vitality: Why ice cold showers are awesome
- Better clarity through music metrics
- Better Living Through Videogames
- Better movies: Why Metacritic is more reliable than Rotten Tomatoes
- Beware prospective hoodlums
- Big problems aside, here’s why today is the greatest time to be alive
- Big things are coming. Subscribe to my newsletter if you haven’t already.
- Blade Runner meets Tron in new Starcadian music video
- Blake Snow: The best things I published last month
- Blake Snow: The best things I published last month
- Blake Snow: The best things I published recently
- Top 10 stories from 2017
- Blame “important” doctors for your cell phone abuse
- Blame it on Easy
- Blast from the past: Remember when “mixtapes” were cool?
- Blast from the past: This ’90s album aged well; one of the decade’s best
- Blastyx: Knowledge Management
- Blog bragging: I’m kind of a big deal
- Blog Link Etiquette
- Blogger encourages others to stop blogging, fails to see the irony
- Bloggers = Jounalists?
- Blogging Benefits
- Blogging Madness
- Blu-ray leading HD DVD in format war (sorta)
- Blu-ray vs. HD DVD is the scam of the year?
- Blue Zones revisited: How to live to 100
- Bo Jackson: A childhood hero of mine
- Bonds breaks home run record to unfavorable reception
- Bonds hits 755 to tie Hank Aaron
- Bonds’s 756 home run ball to be branded with an asterisk and sent to the Hall of Fame
- Bonds, Clemens top list of steroid users
- Book highlights: Shackleton’s incredible Endurance
- Book recommendation: Built to Fail—The inside story of Blockbuster’s Inevitable Bust
- Book recommendation: Red Card is a riveting and dizzying expose of FIFA bribes, world soccer, and colluding corruption
- Book review: Catch Me If You Can is a fun, albeit too good to be true, read
- Book review: One Summer is the fascinating story of how America became a super power
- Book Review: Say Nothing by Patrick Keefe is riveting, ★★★★☆ writing
- BOOK REVIEW: A Confederacy of Dunces by John Toole is an American masterpiece
- Book review: A River Runs Through It made me cry
- Book review: Among The Thugs is hilarious at first, but ends tragically in crowd violence
- Book review: Authentic by the founder of Vans is simple and clean business advice
- BOOK REVIEW: Boys in the Boat highlights American grit, hardship, and winning history
- Book review: East of Eden isn’t a novel—it’s long-form poetry on emotional humans
- Book review: Hey Ho Let’s Go—The Story of The “Ramones”
- Book review: I Am Legend is a short but gripping ★★★★☆ read
- BOOK REVIEW: Lost City of the Monkey God is riveting non-fiction; 5 stars out of 5
- Book review: One Man’s Wilderness a simple pleasure
- Book review: Phoenix In Their Own Words is a little off-putting, but mostly awesome
- Book review: Raising Good Humans will make you a better parent
- Book review: The 4-Hour Work Week
- Book Review: The Body by Bill Bryson is ★★★★☆ fascination
- Book review: The Good Earth is good reading, like Steinbeck on Chinese culture
- Book review: The Greatest Game Ever Played makes me proud to be an amateur
- Book review: The Maltese Falcon is powerful without ever sharing thoughts or feelings
- Book review: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi is absolutely haunting
- BOOK REVIEWS: Saving the world, solving murders, and fixing American politics
- Books I’d like to read this year
- Bore of the Worlds
- Boring travel tip: Drink local milk to taste the world
- Boycott companies that beg for bailout money
- Bragging to my kids: “30 cool things your dad has done”
- Brazil sees piracy as marketing tool rather than property theft
- Breaking a Fever
- Breaking news: Being obese could increase risk of falling
- Brick walls exist to prove how badly we want something
- Bring Your Own Computer (to work, that is)
- Broken nose: It’s great to have my face back!
- Bronco Mendenhall doesn’t discipline his BYU players
- Bucket list addition: 7 wonders of the world
- Bummer. Old music is killing new music because the former is more lucrative
- Business 2.0: Blogging for big bucks
- Business 2.0: My Favorite Magazine
- Business Blogging for Beginners
- Business Week: Game Mascots We Love
- Business Week: Video game usability 101
- Business Week: You’re Controlling Games, Too
- Business: It’s the people, stupid!
- Busy in quarantine: My new book is publishing soon (cover here)
- Button Maker
- Buy this: My absolute favorite brand of cheese. You’re welcome.
- By their eyes ye shall know them
- Caffeine for Mac is awesome; potentially addictive
- Calisthenics to make me harder, better, faster, stronger
- Call that a yo-yo? This is a yo-yo
- Can a blog be a blog without comments?
- Can get any better? Yes it can.
- Can Bloggers Strike it Rich?
- Can GREAT ART come from happy, well-balanced, and multi-dimensional people?
- Can someone tell me if my perfect feed reader exists?
- Can You Hear Me Now?
- Can’t hold me down: I make a living sitting down and can no longer sit down
- CANCELLED: My cover band is playing a free outdoor show in Provo on Sep. 12
- Candor in defeat
- CANDY REVIEW: Hershey Kisses
- CANDY REVIEW: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Captivating faces: My favorite portraits by Platon photography
- Caribbean cruise pictures revealed
- Casual blogging not just lunch money now
- Casual Fridays are not a job perk 😞
- Cat ladies right after all: Men really do suck
- Celebrate Halloween with The Offline Podcast
- Celebrating 10 years: Look, ma—no hands!
- Celebrity Blogger
- Celebrity Blogger Reveals Earnings
- Celebrity’s newest cruise ship is the billionaire boat for everyone
- Cell Phone Etiquette
- Challenging the conventional wisdom of “assuming the sale”
- Chart of the day: The difference between geeks and nerds in one graph
- Cheating is a winning strategy
- Chief “what” officer? Corporate titles explained
- Chief Blogging Officer (CBO)
- Children don’t keep people in poverty, laziness does
- Chinese Digital Exports More Than a Game
- Clarification of Expectations
- Classic commercials: Reebok Pump vs. Nike Air
- Classic musicians: C’mon, baby, light my bass organ
- Classy business competition
- Clemens apologizes for ‘mistakes in personal life’
- Clever ad: Turning the tables on obsessive geek culture
- Click this: Links of recent interest
- Click this: Links of recent interest
- Click: A few of my favorite links this month
- Cliff jumping the Irish coast is a thing now. I tried “coasteering” and oh my…
- Closing time: Eight months of million dollar UX and content strategy was fun
- Coins don’t smell, you do
- Cold calling works (or how I’ve stayed in business all these years)
- Cold turkey: 8 things I’m quitting this instant
- Color Blender
- Color makes the depression look less depressing
- Coming back to the office from vacation
- Commentary: Everything’s amazing and nobody’s happy
- Commercial of the year: A mighty roar that tells the world: “We’re coming for you.”
- Company Names
- Computer Saves Drowning Girl
- Concerning evidence that ignorant liberals are just as dangerous as ignorant conservatives
- Conservatives vs. liberals: Before you indoctrinate your kids, read this
- Console Wars (the book) might be better than the very games that fueled the fire
- Contact your elected official(s) today and tell them to vote against the revised $700B bailout
- Content marketing in a nutshell:
- Conversation is the litmus test for great art
- Cool news: My second book is being giving out to new employees now
- Cool story on wind farms in rural America
- Coronavirus 2020: A life lived in fear is a life half lived, smart doctor says
- Could a freshman have looked any more awkward than me?
- Could shoe makers sell more using regular color names?
- Courtesy Goes Along Way
- CP80’s WiFi anti-porn bill is misguided
- Creative Jobs on the Rise
- Creativity vs. Standard Layouts
- Credit card companies kill too many trees
- Crispy Gamer: Bang the DRM Slowly
- Crispy Gamer: Boom Blox review (Wii)
- Crispy Gamer: Hot Shots Out of Bounds review (PS3)
- Crispy Gamer: Little Big Planet preview (PS3)
- Crispy Gamer: Not Every Politician Hates Videogames
- Crispy Gamer: On the Bright Side, an introduction
- Crispy Gamer: On the Bright Side, Better Living Through Videogames
- Crispy Gamer: Review – God of War II (PS2)
- Crispy Gamer: Review – Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground (Wii)
- Crispy Gamer: Review – Unreal Tournament III (PS3)
- Crispy Gamer: Some Like It Short (Why Gamers Don’t Finish the Job)
- Crispy Gamer: The Excessive Use of Subtitling in Videogames
- Crispy Gamer: Who Spilled Diet on My Instruction Manual?
- Critic turned fan: Just how “happy” is Disneyland?
- Cultural contradictions: 10 things I learned after visiting Japan
- Cultural Learnings of 2007 for Make Benefit of Smooth Harold
- Custom 404’s
- Custom Software Increases ROI
- Customer Service Ninja Looking For New Work
- Dashed hopes aside, Ron Paul homebrew advert is impressive
- Dead DVD Player
- Deadly expeditions: Like Into Thin Air? You’ll relish The Last Place on Earth
- Deal with it: Coronavirus increasingly looking like a mainstay cold or seasonal flu
- Dear Smooth Harold: New mom wants to renege promise to return to work
- Death doesn’t need to be taboo
- Death of print: Responding to reader mail was more rewarding than it sounds
- Debunking SEO Myths
- Decade in review: How the internet ruined everything
- Defeating the green-eyed money envy monster
- Delicious Treat
- Delusional “No Child Left Behind” encourages bad behavior
- Deluxe edition? No thanks, musicians. I’ll stick with the “best of” album.
- Denver Bound
- Descriptive writing: Is accuracy more important than feelings?
- Designed by Apple in California?
- Designer Resources
- Designer Tips
- Designing Homepages
- Despite being 50 years old, my favorite jazz song makes $100k year
- Despite China’s spotlight, U.S. factories yield 40% more
- Despite testing negative for the “wanderlust gene,” here’s why I still love to travel
- Did Apple Sabotage the ROKR?
- Did I just commit social suicide?
- Did I pass that on? Human genetics are incredible
- Diffident: my new favorite word
- Digg and Delicious for Dummies
- Digg is going crazy tonight!
- Dinner with Jason Calacanis of Weblogs Inc
- Dishonesty: That’s what’s wrong with baseball
- Disruptive Technology or Disruptive Myth?
- Ditching the internet for four and a half days was liberating
- Diving in soccer is un-American
- DJ Hero, Beatles Rock Band to melt faces this fall
- Do $800 swag bags really work?
- Do I like when people answer their own rhetorical questions? No.
- Do it for the kids: How to make Halloween awesome this year
- Do or do not. There is no try.
- Do these things to avoid getting old
- Do this and your web browser won’t crash as much
- Do video games have a sequel problem?
- Do you tip your “waiter” on take-out orders?
- Do you use a land line phone?
- Documentary review: The Rise and Reign of Amazon is ★★★★☆ scrutiny
- Documentary review: In The Realm of Perfection is ★★★★☆
- Does “until death do you part” apply to spouses that lose their mind?
- Does accepting (or celebrating) social progress hinder future progress?
- Does traditional business networking work?
- Doesn’t happen often: When the movie is better than the book
- Doesn’t hurt to ask: 7 things you can get for free on your next flight
- Doing Nothing
- Doing the math: I have a 79% chance of becoming a millionaire
- Doing these two things will instantly improve your mental harmony
- Doing what you love is all about enjoying the process more than the reward
- Dolphins fan or not, Hard Rock Stadium is the best place to watch football
- Domain Name Discrimination
- Don’t aim for success. If you persist, it will find you.
- Don’t believe the hype: These 5 ingredients make “tech” companies
- Don’t blame “information overload” for your tiny attention span, blame yourself
- Don’t call too soon.
- Don’t go to church if you want to stay fit
- Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t market
- Don’t mind me and this overturned stroller—I’m just trying to run
- Don’t retire, vacation several times a year until you die
- Don’t run because you have to, run because you love to
- Don’t stop believing: Discount the U.S. economy at your own risk
- Don’t try to write a book: Write in chunks, one chapter at a time
- Double parking is vain and lame
- Downhill skiers are crazy. And poor—at least the good ones are
- Dr. Reichman of Provo, Utah: Thank you
- DRUMMER WANTED: My cover band is looking for a new member
- Dual Perspective Monitor
- Dude, where’s my perspective?
- During frightening economic storms…
- Early signs of machine uprising
- Easy peasy: 5 ways to rewire your brain for happiness
- Eat at your own risk: Soda, red meat, hot dogs, and alcohol may shorten life
- EDGE: 5 Ways to Jumpstart Atari
- Edge: Activision says Guitar Hero Still Relevant
- EDGE: Did you hear that? Audio branding in video games
- Edge: Graphical Improvements Coming to Halo 3
- Edge: Top 10 taglines in video games
- Edge: Why are there so many World War II games?
- Effort and unconventional strategy allow underdogs to beat better opponents 29% of the time
- Eight stories I wish you would read
- Eight Things to Avoid While Blogging
- Either/or: How using the Internet affects our lives
- Elders React is my favorite YouTube show
- Elmo is a corn-eating atheist
- Elote! Mexican corn on the cob blows my mind
- Email large files up to 5GB with ease
- Embedded video is the new live blog
- Embrace the Inadequacy
- Embracing cold for a season, respecting winter for life
- Ending the suspense on this one…
- Energy efficient lightbulbs: 3 things I learned after replacing my home with them
- English goalie recalls “cigar-smoking, cowboy hat-wearing” Americans in 1950 World Cup loss
- ESPN: “A walking conflict of interest”
- Estimate before proposing a contract
- Even as a devout man, Gett will make you appreciate secular government, American courts and women’s rights
- Even if you don’t Twitter, you should search it for real-time reaction
- Even naked album covers grow up
- Even public golf courses in Utah are gorgeous
- Even science tells fairy tales to explain things (or why I believe in God)
- Even worse than we thought? New research on phone addiction
- Ever feel like this at work?
- Everyone who works with computers should read this (i.e. everyone should read this)
- Everything we know about wood-splitting is wrong (or I gotta get me one of these)
- Evolution of a developer and the value of a salesman
- Excessive adjectives dilute the meaning of words
- Executive Networking
- Expectation Management
- Face time: 4 ways to make an impression while working from home
- Facebook: I never looked like much of a football player
- Fair weather fan: I cheer for these football teams in this order for these reasons
- Fake news: How excessive internetting increases groupthink and stupidity
- Fake or Photo?
- Fan mail ends the year on a warm note
- FANTASTIC: The highs and lows of professional soccer (and investing in hope)
- Fascinating research on correcting dishonesty
- Fast food, hard work: What I learned as an underpaid Chick-Fil-A employee
- Feel-good poetry on the meaning and purpose of waves
- Felllow runners, will I ever be a robot runner?
- Few, if any, Smooth Harold updates this week
- Fewer parts which can fail: The most convincing argument for electric cars
- Fewer products means better web design, higher conversion rates
- Fight! Smartphones duke it out for three-way tie
- Fighting stereotypes with comedy
- Final-call fliers: What you can learn from travelers who always board last
- Finally! A technology authority censures silly-looking bluetooth headsets
- Finally, a balanced argument on why you may or may not want to be an entrepreneur
- Fine print: “Investment products may lose value”
- First blog entry from space
- First Impressions Count in Website Design
- First Microsoft, Seinfeld commercial is unfunny and ineffective
- First Movers Don’t Always Win
- First sign of civilization: This quote by Ira Byrock gives me the feels
- Five bands I wish would hurry up and release a new album already
- Five reasons I support universal healthcare in America
- Five reasons Spider Man 3 is the best in the series (and the best comic book movie ever)
- Flickr
- Flickr: Photo of the day
- Flippant?
- Fly Me To The Moon…err PLUTO!!!
- Follow the leader
- Follow the leader
- Fondue is my new favorite food
- Food for thought: “Bad days” don’t exist, only bad hours
- Food for thought: If your house was on fire, what would you reach for first?
- Food isn’t good or bad. It’s just food.
- For $10, I made my iPad infinitely better
- For any who have lost the “go” in the go-for-it, read this quote
- For college football fans, this is the best t-shirt ever!
- For more than just photos, the “rule of thirds” is the balanced life
- Forced writing is bad writing. Only write what you know for sure.
- Forcing employees to use internal and inferior software is pointless
- Forever “alone together” is easy. Worthwhile relationships require discipline.
- Forget all this Pay Per Post parlance, Alibi Network is the real vermin
- Forget quarterly reports. Plan in thirds.
- Formula for predicting successful marriages
- Fort Lauderdale is pretty in January
- Forward Thinking, Moving Forward
- Four albums you should be listening to but probably aren’t
- Four Harvard students claim Facebook was their idea
- Four more reasons to love Amazon
- Four years ago today I tied the knot with a lovely filly from Seattle…
- Freakonomics, one of the best books I’ve read in a while
- FREE Gutsy Writing newsletter: Subscribe to improve your writing in 5 minutes or less
- FREE list of 20 products and services found online
- Free niche business idea: iPod repair service
- Free Wi-Fi?
- Frequent flyer: 5 ways to travel like a pro
- Frolf
- From the depths of my hard drive: Reason No. 356 my logo is awesome
- Fun discussion on controversial college football rankings
- Further proof Dr. Seuss is terribly underrated
- Future of oil: The most apolitical, objective, and realistic forecast I’ve ever read
- Galaxy fans not happy with Beckham’s injury
- Gamasutra: Sony’s Home – The Launch Aftermath
- GameDaily: Baton Rouge Looks to Video Games for Economic Growth
- GamePro news articles written by me
- GamePro: 5 band-centric Guitar Hero games that would rock
- GamePro: 5 easy ways to fix complicated controllers
- GamePro: 6 Reasons The Xbox 360 Is in Trouble
- GamePro: 7 Ways to Turn Around the PlayStation 3
- GamePro: 8 reasons the Xbox 360 Elite isn’t “elite”
- GamePro: Are $60 games here to stay?
- GamePro: Console Report Card Fall 2007
- GamePro: How to tell if you’re a Halo junkie
- GamePro: Interview, Jaffe to play on Sony team ‘for a long-time’
- GamePro: Predicting Next-Gen Console Sales With Last-Gen Numbers
- GamePro: Review, Xbox 360 a good deal at $199
- GamePro: Take This Job (and love it!)
- GamePro: The 10 biggest flops in video games
- GamePro: The 10 Most Underrated Consoles
- GamePro: The 10 worst-selling consoles of all time
- GamePro: The 10 Worst-Selling Handhelds of All Time
- GamePro: The 11 best Wii games of 2007
- GamePro: The 11 Worst Trends in Video Games
- GamePro: The 7 Crappiest Games of This Generation
- GamePro: The 8 Most Powerful Video Game Studios
- GamePro: The 8 Most Promising Non-Sequels of 2008
- GamePro: The Best (and Worst) Video Game Commercials
- GamePro: The best holiday games you’ve never heard of
- GamePro: The Most Anticipated Games of E3 2008
- GamePro: The Real Reason Behind Game Delays
- GamePro: The Toughest Job in Video Games
- GamePro: The trouble with review scores
- GamePro: The truth behind doctored screenshots
- GamePro: The Wii won, but for how long?
- GamePro: Timeline of Japanese contributions to video games
- GamePro: Top 10 games deserving of a remake
- GamePro: Top 10 video game headlines of 2007
- GamePro: Video Game Journalism Demystified
- GamePro: Which controller has the best battery life?
- Geico cavemen still make me laugh
- General Motors scored Omega Supreme on free Transformers advertising
- Generationals: The best $8 album I’ve purchased this year
- Genius vs. everybody else: How better content works for the 99%
- Genworth Financial
- Georgia Aquarium pictures
- Get busy living, or get busy dying.
- Get candy. Get candy. Get candy.
- Get some: 8 ways “awe” makes us better people (and how to cultivate it)
- Get this! Firefox 3 is mucho fast
- Getting help: Smartphones are depressants, laptops are stimulants
- Getting out of your comfort zone (I karaoke)
- Getting smarter: The myth of STEM shortages and world education rankings
- Getting what you want: Why capitals and punctuation still matter
- GigaOM: 5 Reasons the New Mario and Sonic Partnership Doesn’t Really Matter
- GigaOM: China Limits Online Gaming Hours
- GigaOM: Does online gaming matter to consoles?
- GigaOM: Game Biz Loves Casual Games
- GigaOM: Nintendo Wii plays the platform game
- GigaOM: PlayStation 2 still going the distance
- GigaOM: PS3 selling “slightly faster” than 360 during same period
- GigaOM: Top 10 most popular MMOs
- GigaOM: Will Halo 3 help Microsoft secure the Digital Living Room?
- Girls publish more online than boys
- Giving someone the benefit of the doubt lessens aggravation in life
- Gleason: I cried three times watching this documentary.
- Glenn Beck calls me a loser
- Globalization + latency = boom for localization
- Gmail is eating my mail (or trashing it on archive)
- Gmail Motion is clever social commentary
- Going green: 5 things to do in Ireland
- Golf clubs aren’t worth much anymore—at least recreational ones
- Gone Yellowstoning
- Good “tools” guarantee success?
- Good and bad: What I liked most about 2020
- Good Buyers
- Good Clients
- Good Customer Service
- Good Endings
- Good movie alert: The King’s Speech
- Good music: 5 new albums I totally enjoy
- Good new music: 9 remarkable albums your ears must hear
- Good News for New Orleans
- Good news for salesmen
- Good news: American democracy is less broken than you think
- Good question: How can I get my kids off of their phone?
- Good question: When is being politically correct wrong?
- Good Salesman
- Good stuff: 5 ways to build resilience
- Good to know: 4 mistakes we make when comforting grievers
- Google Analytics
- Google Base Coming
- Google Customer Service
- Google Earth
- Google Fiber: With speeds this fast, who cares about privacy!!??
- Google House Cleaning
- Google IM
- Google is getting too big for its britches
- Google Maps: “Swim across the Atlantic Ocean – 3,462 mi”
- Google Offers “University” SEO Site
- Google OS?
- Google respects your privacy
- Google Reviews are perfectly human
- Google SMS
- Google to offer free web hosting?
- Goonies 2 reportedly in production
- Goonies descend on Oregon town to celebrate movie’s 25th anniversary
- Goooooooaaaaaaaal!
- Gordon B. Hinckley dies at 97
- Got customer service?
- Gotta see them all: 7 wonders of the world
- Great acoustic version of a great song from a great band
- GREAT ADVICE: 3 ways to buy a better life
- Great mashup of Killers and Alphaville
- Great nerd story (with bonus material on the difficulty of historical preservation)
- Great quotes from the first two men to summit Mount Everest
- Great story about Steve Jobs
- Great writing: This story on Montana was the best thing I read all weekend
- Greater understanding: This one question will help you become a better listener
- Green Day’s “Basket Case” is the greatest punk song of all-time
- Griffio Project Management
- Griffio: New site launches
- Griffio: What’s in a name?
- Grocers no longer sell Grenadine apparently
- Growing pains: Top 10 lies of life
- Gutsy Writing: 4 ways to reach more readers this year
- Gutsy writing: Never use a long word where a short one will do
- Hackers having fun with road signs; traffic officials not amused
- Half of life is simply asking
- Halloween is going to suck this year!
- Happy Birthday, Sadie!
- Happy birthday, Sadie!
- Happy Halloween
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Have you ever played hooky just to read a book?
- Have you upgraded your RAM lately?
- Having little ambition and earning an entry-level income for life is not an injustice
- Health insurance companies play dumb when they screw up
- HEAR the world premier of Less Bad, my new record, before it hits stores on Jan. 31!
- Heard ‘Round the Blogosphere: Web 2.0
- Hearing academics speak obnoxious English makes my ears hurt
- Hearing this story still gives me goose bumps
- Heat map of U.S. gas prices
- Help Smooth Harold find his next “Google killer,” look smart doing it
- Help wanted: Smooth Harold seeking advertising help
- Help wanted: Writer for hire
- Helvetica (the film) tells a colorful story
- Helvetica: Yet another documentary I want to see
- Here they are: My favorite albums of the year
- Here’s my application to the Tiny Desk Contest
- Here’s my latest “movies to see” list
- Here’s one way to get people to use your bloated software
- Here’s one way to get your work-a-holic boss to comply
- Here’s the part where I declare new year self-improvement
- Here’s the part where I finally add a proper archive, after writing 1,600 posts
- Here’s what happened when a billionaire company overpaid me by $20,000
- Here’s where my column went last month: Backpacking the Alps, conflict-free countries, travel food
- Here’s where my travel column went last month
- Here’s why door-to-door salesmen are growing
- Here’s why I’m over the moon for my band
- Here’s why we’re more comfortable online than offline now
- Here’s what it’s like to visit a theme park during the pandemic
- Hey Big Oil: Since when did you become “energy” companies?
- Hey, Denmark! Thanks for liking and paying royalties on my writing
- Hey, England—I’ll trade Homeland Security for the Royal Monarchy straight up
- Hey, ESPN spilt video games on my sports highlights
- Hey, I used to study at this library
- Hey, who spilled bad acting on my soccer?
- Hey, you there: I will send a free copy of my new book in exchange for an honest review
- High-fiving strangers makes my day
- Highly recommended: This wireless speaker has enriched my life
- Hilarious Starburst commercial
- History doesn’t have to repeat: Top 5 regrets of the dying
- History repeats: How USA finds World Cup success
- Hit your pipes as hard as you can this year
- Holiday picture explosion
- Hologram Advertising
- Holy Ghost! My favorite band right now
- Homemade polar bear club: Why I started taking cold showers
- Honeyland is a ★★★★☆ documentary
- Honorable characteristics: Barry Sanders
- Host domain email on GMail
- Hosted CRM Works
- Hosting the Olympics or World Cup is like hosting a party
- Hot air balloons produce lovely photos
- How “fail” became a noun
- How “rocking too hard” can sometimes be a good thing
- How acronyms change meaning
- How an overlooked state park cemented my love for hiking the world
- How assertive communication can turbocharge your people skills
- How athletes became celebrities
- How brand loyalty will eventually bite you
- How busy moms and dads can spend more quality time with their kids
- How caddies ruin professional golf
- How cheap employers use unwarranted tipping to their advantage
- How Children Succeed: 5 things to know
- How concentrated breathing acts like “brain fertilizer” for more focus and less stress
- How congestion pricing might fix over-tourism
- How David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear some 20 years ago
- How deleting your defaults can free 20 hours a week
- How did LA Galaxy and Real Salt Lake make the MLS finals? They ingested magic herbs and super juice, of course!
- How is democratizing the news
- How Disney turned me into a travel writer
- How do you achieve mental toughness?
- How dopamine loops ruin our smartphones
- How excessive screen time hinders adults and children
- How facing our fears is fulfilling and rewarding
- How free mentors make you awesome
- How freelance writers can pitch publications in two (not so) easy steps
- How Germany protects its borders with compassion and order
- How heeding our body clocks leads to better health
- How I became an entrepreneur (aka self-employed)
- How I celebrate Black Friday
- How I cheated Christmas in 1988
- How I feel after drinking a gallon of water everyday this year
- How I feel after sending my first book to printers today
- How I got to where I am today
- How I interview people for information
- How I made a living last year
- How I use technology: 2012 edition
- How I would imrove the Olympics
- How long could you go unwired?
- How long will the latest food fad last?
- How low-impact, old lady workouts saved my life
- How men and women differ
- How money often prevents us from seeing the big picture
- How Mount Everest became a crowded me$$
- How my book forever changed a dentist’s life
- How my daughter helps me “master” life
- How my daughter inspired me to plank for 5 minutes
- How my daughter taught me not to judge a book by its cover
- How Online Content and Ads Can Co-exist
- How overdoing Christmas taught me the reason for the season
- How speaking up gets you grease
- How speaking up gets you grease
- How staying informed makes us stupid
- How T-Mobile Could Save $1M Per Month
- How the Liver King built a social media, supplements empire eating raw organ meat
- How thinking small often leads to big results
- How this movie scene changed my life
- How to avoid misinformation
- How to be an absent parent
- How to be concise? Avoid these 24 words…
- How to be disarming (and avoid crooks)
- How to be ethical, decent, and admirable
- How to be magnanimous
- How to build 10 ultimate campfires, depending on the situation
- How to buy happiness: 7 purchases that are almost always worth it
- How to Buy Video Games (and Avoid the Naughty Ones) this Holiday
- How to change the weather to your liking
- How to cope with inflation
- How to crush the next decade: 10 daily choices you can make today
- How to drive site traffic by going against the word-of-mouth grain
- How to eat healthy on a budget
- How to eat well: 12 simple rules for healthy, happy eating
- How to fix online comments in one fell swoop
- How to gain experience (in whatever it is you do)
- How to get “rich”
- How to get free mentoring from really smart people
- How to get free publicity: 10 tips from insiders (+ movie recommendations)
- How to get through the rest of winter
- How to have a good day
- How to have better conversations by asking better questions
- How to heal racism: Don’t mention it
- How to hire nice people (or avoid hiring jerks)
- HOW TO HOPE: 10 ways to starve your fears
- How to increase your website’s usability, user goals, and SEO traffic using a single footer paragraph
- How to keep a pregnant wife happy
- How to live for 114 years
- How to live richly on any income
- How to make better decisions: Focus on important, non-urgent tasks
- How To Make Money Blogging
- How to Make Something Look Good
- How to make the NFL more fun to watch
- How to make your offline life easier
- How to negotiate: 6 points to remember
- How to raise happy kids in 10 scientific steps
- How to respond to really demanding customers: “We’re full”
- How to save $20,000 on unnecessary things
- How to save newspapers
- How to Sell a Home: Give the Land for Free
- How to stay focused in a 24/7 world
- How to stay happily married: Seduce, entertain, be nice
- How to stay young at heart (aka “aging gracefully”): Don’t knock it ’till you try it
- How to stop Somali pirates from attacking merchant ships
- How to succeed: Don’t quit until everyone in the room tells you “no”
- How to survive coronavirus without “flattening the curve” at all costs
- How to tell if someone is new to blogging
- How to travel a seemingly divided world
- How to unsubscribe from feeds
- How to visit London over a long weekend
- How to Win Friends & Influence People
- How to win friends and influence people: 10 things I learned after reading the book
- How to write a song with two catchy tips (after devoting time to the craft)
- How to write well in a pandemic
- How Ugly Sites Succeed
- How volunteering boosts your productivity, self-worth, and happiness
- How we built a remote employee training company in six months
- HP outperforming Dell in PC sales
- HTML Links That I Liked Today
- HTML: Keeping it real… literally
- Humans are amazing: 22 inspiring facts about the human body
- Humans do really cool things
- Hurricane Donations
- Husband and wife to crash Fenway Park for goliath showdown in October
- I (Heart) Blogging
- I always knew my wife and I were good-looking
- I ate Applebee’s for the first time in 15 years — here’s what it was like 🤮
- I believe I can fly: Top 5 Nike Air Jordans
- I can relate: How my brain works
- I can’t help but agree with this guy…
- I can’t stop eating at this restaurant
- I can’t stop listening to this album
- I can’t wait to see this movie
- I compromised my Digg integrity
- I despise pinstripes
- I didn’t have cell reception in Montana… and it was awesome.
- I didn’t score a goal in a World Cup final, but I know someone who did
- I don’t care for Pepsi or Arby’s but this is brilliant cross promotion
- I don’t ever want to manscape
- I eat Photoshop warnings like this for breakfast
- I finally switched from Firefox to Chrome and I’m loving it
- I frackin’ love summer.
- I get embarrassed when poor health disrupts my chivalry (wink, wink)
- I get interviewed on blogging
- I got ‘high’ while running last week
- I got a hair cut
- I have a job because a lot of companies speak in confusing code
- I have to admit, it’s getting better: 12 things I learned last year
- I haven’t used instant messager in five years
- I just did one of the most enriching things yet in my adult life
- I killed a deer with my Jeep on Dec. 1
- I like doctors who don’t call themselves “doctors”
- I like that humans are trying to invent new sports…
- I like to watch this whenever I’m rejected—makes me feel like I can withstand any defeat…
- I lost respect for the museum curator who hung this
- I love a good prank call…
- I love one-hit wonder royalty stories
- I love that high-tops are back in style
- I love this long-read about two murdered Americans who were biking across the world
- I love this quote on forgiveness
- I may lose my Vonage number, quick like
- I need to get me one of these
- I permanently damaged my ears making music, but the reason they ring is beautiful.
- I served a Mormon mission, but never stole a sub
- I should have been a Daft Punk
- I should start charging people to pay off their balance
- I stopped swearing this year to temper my anger. It mostly worked. 😁
- I subscribed to a newspaper for the first time in my life.
- I think I’ve found a good alternative to Sudoku
- I used to work 4 days a week. I’m dying to go back.
- I wait 2½ years to upgrade phones
- I want one of these
- I want one of these…
- I want to be friends with these sand dunes
- I was interviewed about my book for a really cool podcast on isolating technology
- I was recently interviewed by The LA Times about my book, Log Off—this is what I said.
- I was there: Great moments in rock history (or songs I wish I could play on guitar)
- I was wrong when I wrote this.
- I wish I could play guitar like this
- I write for myself. You should too. ✍️
- I yawn at “built from the ground up”
- I’d happily fly Continental again
- I’ll tell you exactly how this story ends
- I’m “allergic” to season changes
- I’m a bedroom DJ again
- I’m a happy, upbeat optimist that adores this beautifully dark and reflective song
- I’m about to buy a swagger wagon
- I’m an amateur studio musician again; here’s my latest “demo”
- I’m deleting my LinkedIn and My Space accounts. Yea!
- I’m done with office phones
- I’m in over my head playing adult baseball
- I’m likely to be the father of Blackberry orphans
- I’m looking forward to this. That is all.
- I’m performing LIVE in Provo on Aug 25
- I’m pretty sure this is the best Promise cover you’ll ever hear
- I’m releasing my first album this summer—here is the cover and lead single
- I’m seriously considering switching to this bank
- I’m sickened as an American taxpayer today
- I’m so glad Beethoven wrote this music
- I’m so glad I scalped tickets to this game
- I’m sorry we can’t make a deal. Please don’t heckle me.
- I’m the Grinch that stole Consumermas
- I’m the world’s fastest, slow-jogging 10k runner
- I’ve been living a lie: The 5 secrets to life
- I’ve broken up with books
- I’ve never looked this cool
- If “Eye of the Tiger” were written by a slow computer, it might sound like this
- If a coporation were charged with designing a stop sign
- If a king falls in a chess match, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
- If Gentlemen Broncos doesn’t win Oscar for “Best Use of Family Crest,” I’ll be TO’d
- If I were a baby, I’d be napping right now
- If I’m snoring, just throw socks at me
- If it weren’t for my wife and good friend, I would have given up on surfing this year
- If Microsoft Designed the iPod Box
- If Shirley Temples weren’t virgin, I’d be a drunk
- If there’s a better approach to selling than this, I’m all ears
- If They Blogged…
- If this video doesn’t choke you up, you have no soul.
- If this woman can forgive her concentration camp guard, I can forgive anyone
- If we want to write well, we must read often
- If you don’t brand yourself, your competitor will do it for you.
- If you have an iPhone or DSi, you really should be playing this
- If you like Rock ‘n Roll, you owe it to yourself to download this
- If you’re always online, you’re gonna have a bad time
- Ignorant teenage vandals deface wilderness sign but the good still outnumber the bad
- Illusions of Grandeur
- Images that will change the way you see the world
- In a heartbeat: 6 countries I’m going back to after borders reopen
- In business, people buy “why” you are, not “what” you are
- In Case You Missed It
- In case you missed it: offline vacations, converting cruise-haters, overlooked wonders, and dream believers
- In defense of Post Malone, a self-destructive and “culture vulture” musician from Texas
- In pictures: Musician’s who love sports
- In search of greatness: How structured specialization hinders our children
- In software terms, nothing says, “We didn’t think this through” more than “Super Admin”
- In the absence of extraordinary, ordinary is more than enough
- In the lab: Subscription-less antenna DVR is great for casual TV fans
- In the news: 10 hobbies you can turn into a side hustle
- In the news: How quitting the Internet can make you healthier, wealthier, and happier
- In the news: Why people are weirdly obsessed with Southwest Airlines
- Incredible: Unread email actually waits for you on your computer!
- Infendo: Gamers don’t want honest reviews, they want fanfare
- Information architecture: List of tools for diagramming
- Information overload? Get Smart Brief.
- Intelligent Design
- Interactive TV: The future is now (and it’s free)
- Interesting perspective on overpopulation
- Internet Consumption
- Internet Marketing Comes Alive
- Internet radio still great sans “2.0” hoopla
- Internet Time
- Interview with Eliot Jacobsen
- Interview: Bestselling Author Blake Snow Enters The Provo Music Scene
- Interview: Smooth Harold on RSS
- Introducing “Get Out There,” my new travel column for Paste Magazine
- Introducing “Off the Grid,” my new travel column for Paste Magazine
- Investors look at IT not just balance sheets
- IRS Reconciliation
- Is a website M or F?
- Is anyone overwhelmed by Google search results?
- Is email dead?
- Is excitement for electric cars “optimism bias”?
- Is handwriting the most useless skill today?
- Is it ethical to have children amid global warming threats?
- Is it possible for an unsigned writer to make radio-quality music in his free time?
- Is it still okay to launch without a business model?
- Is it wrong to wish I didn’t have a profitable 2006 during tax time?
- Is Search Engine Optimization Dead?
- Is taste for music genetically aquired?
- Is teasing genetic?
- Is the demise of brick and mortar stores really such a bad thing?
- Is the Web Killing the Newspaper Industry?
- Is there a shortage of used clothes in the world?
- Is there any question?
- Is this a video game magazine or comic book?
- Is this really such a good idea?
- Is this song written by the Beatles or Miike Snow?
- Is tipping getting out of control? Many consumers say yes
- Is Wired’s FREE cover story misleading?
- Isn’t it exhilarating the first time you realize your kids know more than you do?
- Isn’t it nice to be in demand?
- It feels good not to have to be right all of the time
- It feels good to even up with Uncle Sam
- It must work
- It pays to be ugly (sorta)
- It Pays to Blog
- It pays to have friends—literally
- It took me 20 years, but I finally found the college professor that changed my life
- It’s a girl!
- It’s embarrassing to read about the “U.S. Invasion of Iraq”
- It’s embarrassing to watch Wall Street beg for bailout money
- It’s Google’s world. We just live in it.
- It’s Hard to Find a Cell Carrier
- It’s never too late to make things right
- It’s nice to be noticed
- It’s official: Frank Sinatra has a better Christmas voice than Bing Crosby
- It’s time to drop “beta,” Gmail
- It’s fun playing air guitar in quarantine
- Jacko’s Thriller turns 25 this week
- Jail painted pink with teddy bear accents to curb violence
- Japan (really) likes wave pools
- Jason Calacanis on why companies fear user-generated content
- JetBlue chooses not to censor on-board TV
- Jimmer!
- John Williams is the world’s last great classical composer
- Joystiq: TIME magazine deems PS3 a bust
- Junk of the Heart: My new favorite album
- JUST PUBLISHED: Interested in my first book? Here’s what you can do to help
- Just saw a robyn snag a big ole worm in my backyard…
- Keane Concert Review
- Keep telling yourself excessive work hours are a noble endeavor
- Keep up the good work: When it comes to charitable giving, America dominates
- Keeping up with dual screen monitors: Why I decided against it
- Keith Richards: “I Snorted My Father”
- Kids are dumb. Parents take advantage.
- Kids don’t stand a chance: My dog gets all the attention
- Kids still say the darnedest things
- Kinect is the most impressive Microsoft product in 15 years
- King Kong Impressions
- King Kong Trailer
- Know Your Credit
- Know your geography: Top 20 countries on the Internet
- Knowing how to solve problems is better than knowing answers
- Labor Day Hike
- Leadership: It pays to apologize
- LEAKED ONLINE: Log Off is currently being read… er, offline
- Learn everything there is to know about college football uniforms
- Lee Iacocca on America’s current status quo
- Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama
- Less is more
- Lesson Learned in Usability
- Lessoned learned: when everyone else is doing it
- Lessons Learned from Hitch
- Let me dislike sushi in peace, please
- Let the games begin!
- Let’s call the stock market what it really is: speculation
- Let’s get this movement started: Introducing The Offline Podcast
- Life is better when work isn’t in the way
- Life moves pretty fast: Why time flies
- Life, liberty, and hope: 6 ways to make American government more “hell yeah!”
- Like #music? Wanna win a $200 wireless speaker? Tell me your favorite underrated artist and it’s yours.
- Like father, like son: Using the bathroom for peace and quiet
- Link Building is not SEO
- Liquid vs. fixed website widths (and content)
- Listen to your favorite podcasts by phone
- Listen up! Best new music so far this year
- Listen up, futurists: Here’s why wearing the same outfit everyday is a bad idea
- Listen up, nerds: Fantasy is a sub-genre of science fiction
- LISTEN UP: Log Off now available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes audiobook
- LISTEN: Top 10 “How I Built This” episodes
- Listening to this podcast is guaranteed to make you smarter and happier
- Live and loud
- LL Cool J Old Spice commercials are funny
- Local pool: “No diving at zero feet”
- Locked doors remind me of my daughter’s presence
- Log Off book: What early reviewers are saying
- Log Off interview: “Staying online all of the time is a great way to burnout”
- Logo redesign done right: Domino’s
- Long reads: Big money pop songs, Silicon Slopes, Spirit Airlines, and 50 years of losing
- Long reads: Cozy up and learn something new with one of these
- Long reads: Death of a missionary, aging gracefully,, golden airline ticket
- Long reads: Garbage language, disinformation, DJing, history of work, quitting the news
- Long reads: Second place MVPs, 7 hour chairlifts, and tomb raiders
- Long reads: WeNotWorking, Ballon Boy, unstoppable Amazon, trailer lottery, millionaire complacency
- Look, ma! It’s hard taking photos of pro sporting events
- Looking for a good book to read? Here are two by one great author
- Looking to donate? Would you help fund a new national study on smartphone abuse?
- Low tech, bad wrap: 7 reasons I love email
- Low-tech is the new hi-tech
- Lunch with Om Malik
- Mac OS on a PC?
- Mac parody: “Hi, I’m a Marvel… and I’m a DC”
- Machu Picchu man should be Peruvian law
- Made a writing mistake? It’s okay—you’re still cool (because editing)
- Made in America: 35 things I’m grateful for
- Magnets that “crush hands, cause things to go airborne”
- Mailbag: “Are you a National League or American League baseball fan?”
- Mailbag: Does social networking really work?
- Major gas leaks are heinous, man
- Majority of companies still not on search engines
- Make up your mind
- Making gutsy moves in life
- Making headlines: The best things I published recently
- Making others look good
- Making the World Cup (Soccer) A Better Sport
- Man counterfeits $200 million, keeps $50 million, and only serves 6 weeks in plea deal
- Man in Yellow
- Man quits his job to become (awesome) Lego artist
- Man runs 50 marathons in 50 days
- Man surfs enormous wave without dying
- Management consulting defined
- Many years from now, this will make a great Trivial Pursuit question
- Map of the 500 most innovative companies using IT
- Map of the day: Americans aren’t the only ones that say “soccer”
- Map of the day: Where in the world have I been?
- Map: US States Renamed For Countries With Similar GDPs
- Marc Ecko buys publicity on the cheap
- Marketers are never smarter than consumers
- Marketers are really good liars
- Math in perspective: This is how big a million, billion, and trillion really are
- Mature trees: One thing money can’t buy
- Maximum wait threshold for websurfers is 4 seconds
- Maybe mathematical crystal art is a message from God
- Maybe the world isn’t such a bad place
- Me to my wife: “We gotta go to England!”
- Meanwhile in Utah…
- Mentor month: I’m moved by how generous people are with free expertise
- Merging Competition
- Michael Dell on bureaucracy
- Mickey Dee’s & Movies?
- Microsoft and Apple beware: Google on to something with new OS
- Microsoft brand in sharp decline
- Microsoft Encarta sorta downplays Nintendo Wii success
- Microsoft has forgotten it makes software for a living
- Microsoft Vista launches next week. Who cares?
- Microsoft’s “I’m a PC” ads underwhelm
- Milkman retires after 70 years of deliveries
- Million Dollar Baby
- Million Dollar Homepage Clone Tries To Get Muted
- Minor League Baseball coach killed by line drive
- Miss travel? Here are 10 ways to cope, according to science
- Misunderstood: Why “fake it til you make it” is great advice
- Mitt Romney caught with his hand in the cookie jar?
- MLB Players Poll: Toughest Places To Play
- MLK: New Definition of Greatness
- Moderating Comment Criticism
- Modern villains ain’t got nothing on O’Brien
- Mom & Pops: Don’t Blame Wal-Mart
- Monetize the Microchunk
- Monetized Web Traffic
- Money can buy you happiness, at least up to $75,000 per year
- Money, brands, and nations: Why humans believe in intersubjectivity
- Moral decline is an illusion caused by dramatic news and “good ole days”
- More movies should be four part trilogies
- More than a feeling: 3 reasons to write gratitude letters
- More than just a buzzword: Top 10 superfoods backed by science
- More than just tin cans and sushi: Tuna are amazing creatures!
- More than one way to skin a cat: Finding offline balance a different way
- Most important thing for an aspiring entrepreneur?
- Most underrated Beatles song ever?
- Motivational Phrases Get It Done?
- MOVIE REVIEW: 4 reasons The Post is “good but not great”
- Movie Review: March of the Penguin’s
- Movie review: New Dungeons & Dragons is artistic, feel-good, and fun
- Movie Review: Rocky Balboa
- Movie reviews: Wild Robot—slow start, big heart; Conclave—politically powerful cinema
- MOVIE REVIEWS: Yesterday, Peanut Butter Falcon, Blinded By Light, Arctic, Hostiles, Once Upon a Time…
- Moving from toxic to healthy relationships always requires temporary loneliness
- Moving without internet
- MSNBC: Best PSP games of 2008
- MSNBC: Best Xbox 360 games of ’08
- MSNBC: New Xbox interface is more about movies
- MSNBC: Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour?
- MSNBC: Top 5 best Atari games
- MSNBC: Top 5 best sleeper games of 2008
- MSNBC: Top 5 best video game quotes
- MSNBC: Top 5 games to bailout 2009
- MSNBC: Top 5 least embarrassing game-based movies
- MSNBC: Top 5 most cinematic video games
- MSNBC: Top 5 PlayStation 2 games
- MSNBC: Top 5 video game ghosts
- MSNBC: Top 5 video game pirates
- MSNBC: What’s behind the add-on phenomenon?
- MSNBC: World Tour is the new Rock Band
- Multi-touch machine interface looks fun, but I have my doubts
- Music I’ve recorded for friends
- Music Industry [Poor Business Model]
- Music makes this Seinfeld scene
- Music management: how to handle accompanying artists
- Music that keeps it interesting
- Music will decide the rhythm wars
- Musician problems: Imagine if you could hear an artist’s misplaced brushstroke?
- Musicians are in peril, at the mercy of giant monopolies that profit off their work
- Must. Resist. iPhone 3G.
- Mustache of the day
- My 10 best travel stories of 2019
- My 9 year-old son: “That was a close game. Good job to the team that won.”
- My approach to selling all boils down to this:
- My attempts to be a shoe designer (with a reply from Nike)
- My Beef with HMO’s
- My best work yet: 14 years, dozens of fancy outlets, thousands of published stories
- My Booklist
- My brother has built one of the nicest data centers in the world
- My brother might get sued by Red Hot Chili Peppers…
- My childhood will mourn the death of Sears, even though I haven’t shopped there in years
- My Chromebook is a fast tablet with a faster keyboard
- My commentary on recent happenings
- My cover band is performing New Year’s Eve
- My Dad on being a great basketball shooter
- My eccentric taste in music doesn’t go unnoticed
- My favorite ’07 Christmas photos
- My favorite album so far this fall
- My favorite book review so far: “Log Off is an amazingly honest and engaging read”
- My favorite foods: The best of South Africa
- My favorite honest slogans
- My favorite hot dog has quite the story
- My favorite music of 2010
- My favorite music of early 2007
- My favorite saying of the year is empowering: “I won’t judge”
- My favorite scene from my favorite Kung Fu movie
- My favorite song (and album) of the year so far
- My first album will release August 20 on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and more!
- My first time sailing was everything I thought it would be
- My first-born graduated 🥹
- My focus isn’t what it used to be
- My friend’s writing on depression is powerful
- My gift to the genetic world: Collecting non-precious rocks and biting lips
- My go-to breakfast: Peanut butter toast topped with bananas and cinnamon
- My homeland is in a world of hurt
- My ideal Halloween costume
- My jaded review of Coachella 2008
- My latest attempt to make passive income:
- My latest columns: Dancing Matt, big impact countries, unrecognized beauty, mind travel
- My latest for USA Today: Fantastic fjords of North America
- My latest obsession: Guitar Hero III
- My latest report quickly draws hate-mail (surprise!)
- My latest: Life after smartphones—what’s next?
- My latest: New $200 Chromebooks should not be overlooked this holiday
- My latest: Why console gaming is dying
- My life in the locker room: Female sportswriter remembers the dicks
- My lover credentials
- My most-wanted movie of 2010
- My name forever immortalized as New Mexican fast food
- My new art is better than yours
- My new book Log Off made the “Top 20 books to improve your life with” list
- My new favorite album pays tribute to catchy ’80s bands without copying them
- My new favorite commercial
- My new favorite commercial: Cars and freedom
- My new favorite musician: Paolo Nutini
- My new favorite song
- My new favorite YouTube video
- My new single “Walk The Winter” is OUT NOW on all music stores
- My NEW single out now: “Word Games” by Blake Snow on all major music stores
- My new skateboard is better than yours
- My new song was recording magic. I hope you like it.
- My new wallpaper is awesome
- My outstanding book list
- My own private external office
- My parents are the coolest looking ’70s parents ever photographed
- My phone settings are better than yours
- My proven guide to dumping and avoiding fake friends
- My reaction after watching Fyre on Netflix…
- My reaction to yesterday’s defeating news on U.S. military
- My recent travel writing: Portugal, National Parks, Tucson, Best Biking Cities
- My residence in Orem is safe, my hometown of Atlanta, not so much
- My review of Gravity: 4 stars out of 5
- My review of Old Man and the Sea, after reading it a second time
- My right leg hates me right now.
- My scooter made this mundane afternoon all sorts of awesome
- My second album, Less Bad, arrives Jan. 31 on all major music stores
- My secondary computer just got better (and cheaper)
- My shallow review of Steve Jobs’ official biography
- My short-lived career as a copywriter
- My sister Lexia makes funny comments
- My six year-old asked for music to practice drums to. This is what I gave her.
- My son Max after a 25 point loss: “It’s okay—we’re still cool”
- My Space growth is (still) insane; 230k new registers per day
- My thoughts on consumer product reviews
- My three favorite reggae acts
- My three year-old’s Christmas wishlist is adorable
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My thrilling status updates for the week
- My top 10 favorite passages from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
- My two and ½ year old is a “Close Stander”
- My two latest book reviews make me laugh and fill me with pride 😂🥰
- My two-year old is a rocker
- My wife and I finally finished Kill Bill—It. Is. A. Fantastic. Movie.
- My wife likes near-empty trash bags; I like to pack it in
- My worst job ever
- Nacho Libre Trailer
- Name That Company
- Napoleon Dynamite Director Update
- Nasty commenters give me thick skin and chutzpah
- Navy Seal secret: Saying “I’m done!” is only 40% true
- Need a company or product name?
- Need a convincing reason to work less? Try this.
- Need a little design inspiration? Peep Faveup.
- Need a writing lifeline? NEW monthly tool does just that
- Need calligraphy? This woman’s work is impressively analog
- Neighborhood violinist is music to my ears
- Nerd question: What HTML editor do you use?
- Never buy HDMI cables at retail stores
- Never give up
- Never postpone what you have the desire and means to do today
- New ambiguous phrases = same old meanings
- New and improved: The 4 Burners Theory explained with more nuance
- New Baby!
- NEW BOOK REVIEW: “Blake Snow’s Log Off is this plug-in generation’s playbook for true social networking emancipation”
- New computer mouse = better productivity
- New Discovery Channel documentary on Brazil
- New Griffio Ad Campaigns
- New Griffio Desktop
- New iMacs arrive
- New Indiana Jones video game
- New music: 5 songs I’m savoring right now
- NEW MUSIC: My favorite albums of the year
- NEW MUSIC: My latest single goes out to all you weary solo travelers
- New Musical Discovery
- New name, same thing: Work-life blending is all about balance
- New Names for Old Companies
- New Nintendo system launching Nov. 19
- New OMD album is like a nice punch to the face from the ’80s
- New Orleans: Delays and Blame
- New Launch
- New project launch
- NEW RECORD: Less Bad now available for stream and download
- New research on Tootsie Pops: 42% bite early; 1,000 licks to center
- New research: After decades of “healthy moderation,” alcohol is poisonous again
- New Sigur R?s Video
- NEW singles out now: Blake Snow & The Breakers
- New site launch: Historical Arts of redesign awesomeness
- New Skittles commercial makes me laugh
- New Snow baby arrives! (updated w/ pics)
- New Sony Bravia commercial is a thing of creative beauty
- New story I wrote on giant underground telescope
- New York, New York
- NEW: Give the gift of “Log Off” this season
- Newly launhced Griffio project:
- NewTeeVee: If Jason Calacanis Built a YouTube Aggregator…
- Nintendo releasing video games that play themselves
- Nintendogs?
- No going back? 5 ways I like “new normal”
- No joke: 5 ways coronavirus changed my life for the better
- NO KIDDING: I saw my second UFO sighting of my life this month 🛸
- No more rooting for Utah, you twisted Mountain West fans
- No news is good news, right? What I learned from my recent DNA test
- No Nintendo Wii for me… yet.
- No pain, no gain: Short-term discomfort is the price of long-term health
- No spinning beach ball of death: One thing PCs do better than Macs
- No such thing as a “no-sale” call
- No test required: 11 countries Americans can easily travel to right now
- No turning back: How FiveFingers replaced cushioned running shoes
- No-Cost Expert Advice
- Non-profit or For-profit?
- Not all fortune cookies are duds
- Not bad: My mother’s latest chain mail
- Not everyone can be a great writer. But a great writer can come from anywhere.
- Not gross I promise: Anybody else have leukonychia?
- Not Hip Enough
- Not much: What I learned from The Minimalist Mindset
- Not sure about Brad Pitt in the leading role…
- Notable tech: 5 gadgets that rocked this year
- Note to self: Never launch a website while out of the office
- Note to the Federal Government: Borrowing more money doesn’t make you less broke
- Nothing says “I do” better…
- Novell spoofs both PC and Mac with Linux
- Now blogging for Om Malik…
- Now flying: To and from Provo
- Now I remember: Why I quite working in bed
- Now reading…
- Now reading: I.O.U.
- Now that’s what I call a stand-out resume
- Now with 100% more milkman
- Now with 100% more over-air HD TV
- Now with 100% more PSTriple…
- Number 1 in the Number 2 Business
- Number two is a girl!
- Number two on its way…
- Obsessive Branding Disorder
- Obtuse Media Networks And World Cup Coverage
- October 25, 2006: First day of snow this year
- Off The Grid: India tips, wander wisely, Irish highlights, holy places, best mainland beach
- Off the grid: Rethinking air travel, European detours, travel blunders, and Newfoundland
- Off to Santa Monica for E3
- Off-brand alternatives I won’t buy
- Offline Balance: Update on the book I’m writing
- Oh the irony of multi-level marketers
- Oh, the places you’ll go! Here’s where my travel column went last month
- Old NASA guys smoking…
- Olympian Jason Lezak is money
- On a hot summer’s day, I just ate an ice cream sandwich.
- On a roll! I only swore three times last year.
- On behalf of my fellow Americans, I’m sorry Mr. President
- On blogging professionally
- On motivating others
- One of my all-time favorite commercials
- One of rock ‘n’ roll’s greatest verses
- One of the best examples of magnanimous behavior I’ve ever seen
- One of the best parts of my day
- ONE WEEK ONLY: Log Off now 25% off (starting at $6.99)
- One year after canceling mobile data: 10 things I’ve learned
- One, please.
- One-liner winning: Top 10 quotes on teamwork
- Ongoing Iraqi violence almost makes American invasion seem pointless
- Online blood work: No doctor’s visit required
- Online Digital Video Growing Like Crazy
- Online Ebook on Entrepreneurship
- Online shopping is inhuman apparently
- Online Word Processor
- Open letter to the underdressed lady from Gallup, New Mexico
- Open Source Alternative to 37Signals Basecamp
- Optimizing web page load times
- Options
- Organizations don’t make grammar rules, populations do
- OUT NOW: Listen to “Come Clean,” my fourth record that’s perfect for fall
- OUT NOW: My new book might just change the way you see the world
- Out of Africa is filled with complex sentences but dripping with culture
- Out with the old, in with the new… kinda
- Outsourcing your Super Bowl commercial to a user audience?
- Overhead at a networking event: “We have no competition”
- Overhead at the Snow house: “That is one massive headache”
- Overheard at the Snow’s house: “You have a comb over”
- Overheard at the Snow’s house: “You look like a five year-old”
- Overheard in family prayer: “Please help me forget scary movies”
- Overheard in the analog world: “Where are all the twenty and thirty-somethings?”
- Overheard on email: “Things I hate about online people”
- Overheard: “My mom took away all my girl jeans”
- Overheard: “Work hard and you won’t need sleeping pills”
- Pantone Huey: A business tool I can’t work without
- Paramount stalemates HD format war
- Parents, what are your favorite childhood milestones?
- Part-time vlogger: These are my most popular YouTube videos
- Paternity leave: 7 questions and answers from one working dad
- PC Widgets
- Peer-to-Peer Banking?
- People don’t visit websites to be entertained (usually)
- People Meeting, Meeting People
- People of planet Earth: What are your favorite sporting events?
- Pepsi should fire their creative agency. Here’s proof.
- Perhaps the use of fire hoses on hostile protesters has been obviated
- Persistence pays: After months of rejections, my daughter won a big scholarship!
- Perspective Research
- Philanthropy, mystery, and optimism: The 3 best short-stories I read last week
- Photo: Best complimentary business ever
- Photoshoping children looks trashy
- PHP 10th Anniversary
- Picture this: Spring was not cancelled for coronavirus
- Places I want to see: Tallgrass Prairie, Oklahoma
- Places I’d like to visit: Crater Lake
- Play Risk On Google Maps
- Playback: “I’m a Fool To Do Your Dirty Work”
- Playing the Domain Name Game
- Please enjoy: The best things I published recently
- Please read: A personal appeal from Smooth Harold
- Please, don’t talk to me while cleaning my teeth
- PLOT TWIST: Remember that creepy old man who loved crosswords?
- Pluto no longer a planet
- Polite people know that everyone has it hard
- Poll: What’s your favorite brand of sneaker?
- Poll: When did you buy your first cell phone?
- Poll: Where do your HD loyalties lie?
- Poll: Where will you play video games next?
- Poll: Would you vote for someone from an opposing political party?
- Poor Customer Service
- Portable video?
- Posting comments on your on blog post
- Power breaks: How stopping helps you work faster (and smarter!)
- Power of Attorney
- Powered down for a week
- Practice doesn’t always make perfect, creative risks are also needed to be great
- Pretty sure I have the best job in the world
- Preview of what I saw and did in Newfoundland last month
- Price is always negotiable
- Print magazines: Are you buying this damage control?
- Pro tip: Sell your products and services to these guys
- Problem Solving
- Productivity Tools
- Professional accomplishments I’m proud of
- Professional yet playful communication
- Professor Splash is crazy!!!
- Progression and Art
- Project Management Beats
- Proof that clever marketing can glam up dumb ideas
- Proof that lack of focus kills a company (or how to save Sony)
- Pros and cons: Why 2020 was the most productively distasteful year of my life
- Proud papa: My daughter mixed her first song last week
- Provo Canyon is especially epic in autumn
- PSA: Pay money to have a marketer tell you in person what he already wrote in a book
- Psychology study: 99 cent pricing boosts sales by 8%
- Publication pending: Eight years later, I just finished writing my first book
- Published columns: Americans abroad, epic inlands, Monument Valley, underrated states
- Published columns: Kid travels, universal sensations, foreign foods, paddle boarding
- Published columns: Traveling guidebooks, nature worship, industrial views, music city
- Published travel: Wellness retreats, Aspen, midwest standouts, Seattle’s waterfront
- Published work: Google’s self-driving cars—so close, yet so far away
- Published works: 10 reasons this might be America’s best lake
- Published works: 10 tips for safer online shopping; demystifying data scientists
- Published works: 10 vacations to safely book this summer (Fodor’s)
- Published works: 10 ways to save on tech this year
- Published Works: 10 years of travel writing, hiking Petra, 7 wonders, cruising tips
- Published works: 12 things every traveler should do in Utah
- Published works: 25 Things to Do in Utah
- Published works: 5 funny ways Europe differs from America
- Published works: 5 reasons to love Virgin Voyages, the new adults-only cruise line
- Published Works: 5 reasons to travel in the off-season
- Published Works: 5 reasons to unwind at Cancun’s “newest” all-inclusive
- Published works: 5 things to love about top-rated Celebrity Apex
- Published Works: 5 Ways This Trendy Reservoir Rivals Nearby Lake Powell
- Published works: 5 ways to survive a recession (Costco Connection)
- Published works: 7 low-tech goods that deliver
- Published works: 7 National Parks That Will Scare The Living Daylights Out Of You
- Published works: 8 epic road trips in Utah, plus best time to visit
- Published works: 8 Mountain West icons to add to your bucket list
- Published works: 9 travel myths you shouldn’t believe
- Published Works: 9 ways to survive holiday travel this year
- Published works: A Kid Made That!? 9 Stunning Science Projects
- Published works: African safari, 16 hour flights, unseen Utah, 18 travel tips
- Published works: Airport tips, Disney cruises, Nevada road trip, not-so exotic vacations, and online security
- Published works: America’s best museums, 5 “Southern” Cities, Spanish interview
- Published works: Amsterdam’s tulips, Costa Rican creatures, Colorado TikTok’s
- Published works: An examination of Nintendo’s next console
- Published works: April 2009
- Published works: August 2009
- Published works: Banned but awesome
- Published Works: Berlin’s abandoned spy station is the most dystopian thing ever
- Published works: Best things to do in Utah with kids
- Published works: Brazil is badly underrated. Here’s why (and what to do)
- Published works: Chicago chow, European cruise, best National Parks, summer resorts
- Published works: Colorful Colorado, web reruns, Cliffs of Moher, net zero buildings
- Published Works: Cruising Antarctica, Cabo, Sleeping on planes, No passport needed
- Published works: Disc golf, killer phones, and keyboards
- Published works: Ditching PCs for smartphones, no time for escapism
- Published works: Dumb phones still dominate smart phones… for now
- Published works: Electric car camping in The Rockies, Alaskan cruises, the future of work
- Published works: Everything you need to know before visiting Christ The Redeemer
- Published works: February 2009
- Published works: Fiery Furnace, Best Mexican resorts, Detroit foods, Godly Gardens
- Published works: Finding Europe in North America, Log Off coverage, 25 mood boosters
- Published works: Forces of nature, why do we travel, where to avoid this summer
- Published works: Fox News
- Published Works: Fox News, GamePro, Venture Beat, Kotaku
- Published works: Has HDTV Code Been Cracked?
- Published works: Hawaii—7 days, 4 islands, 1 cruise
- Published works: High-tech meets low-tech in tiny house movement
- Published works: Hiking Half Dome, America’s most deadly day hike
- Published works: Hiking Patagonia, biking Buenos Aires, and apps killing websites
- Published works: Home field advantage, fantasy sports, free college, gamer abandonment
- Published works: How to fix Microsoft, suspect dental technology
- Published works: How to identify greenest tech companies, Impractical eco-products
- Published works: How to travel at home, places you can’t visit, leftovers I forgot
- Published works: If the Internet never happened, how might we live today?
- Published works: Is Fairbanks the best place in America to see the Northern Lights?
- Published works: It’s Okay to Just Hang at the Hotel and Do Absolutely Nothing
- Published works: July 2009
- Published works: June 2009
- Published works: Kindle vs. iPad, cool games, ’90s tech giants
- Published works: Latest version—the problem with online user reviews
- Published works: Loyalty in Lisbon with Travel’s Largest Points Program
- Published works: March 2009
- Published Works: Margaritaville, Legoland, Traveling Music, Paris with kids, Skydiving
- Published works: May 2009
- Published works: Mexico City is awesome, toad-licking is dumb, magic travel pills
- Published works: Minimalist packing, overtourism, nude beaches, Minnesota
- Published works: Misjudging Madrid on foot, scooter, and bougie Range Rover
- Published works: Music fans reaching for iPods less often
- Published works: My first book, European biking cruises, writing for hometown papers
- Published works: My recent Lonely Planet stories on Utah, Tucson, and National Parks
- Published works: My very best travel columns (so far)
- Published works: New tech, great outdoors, why we overlook Puerto Rico
- Published works: Next great Internet revolution is coming
- Published works: October 2009
- Published works: Parks vs Monuments, coping with no travel, best quarantine trips
- Published works: Predicting the office of the future, women in tech
- Published works: Sailing Scandinavia, Sunny Hollywood, Paris Don’ts, Grand America
- Published works: Say Hello to America’s Newest National Park, New River Gorge
- Published Works: September 2009
- Published works: Skydiving, Australia, computers killing writers, and battery tech
- Published Works: The 5 Best Kansas City BBQ Joints
- Published works: The 9 coolest caves in America
- Published works: The best things I’ve written as a part-time sportswriter
- Published works: The cyclical nature of cool, every country, water shortages, smart cities
- Published works: The future of connected education
- Published works: The future of TV, film tourism, first time in Hawaii, Trump’s #1 hotel
- Published works: The greatest Utah wilderness you’ve never heard of
- Published works: The rise of “travel shaming” and how to combat it
- Published works: Top 20 National Parks
- Published Works: Top 5 travel trends—more cities, kitchens, and 3-star hotels this year
- PUBLISHED WORKS: Translation apps, Pyramids, TikTok ban, 7 natural wonders
- Published works: Two canyons—one colossal, one narrow, both awesome
- Published Works: Urban Melting Pots, Best Value Cruises, Terrific Tokyo
- Published Works: Utah’s Best National Parks For Every Traveler
- Published works: Vintage Vallarta awaits at Las Palmas by the Sea
- Published Works: Wasting Away at Margaritaville’s First All-Inclusive Resort
- Published works: When and how might travel rebound?
- Published Works: When Traveling This Year, Don’t Over Prepare. Just Go.
- Published works: Why the death of the PC is a myth
- Published works: Why this Colorado hut hike ranks among the world’s best
- Published works: Why you should consider travel to Nicaragua
- Published works: Wii U, Chromebooks, and shunning Facebook
- Published works: Year-end stuff
- Published works: You Don’t Have to Be a Patriot to Love Washington, D.C.
- Published writing: Why you should visit Utah’s High Uintas wilderness
- Published: 4 “Big Easy” tours worth taking
- Puma vs. Adidas
- Push(y) E-Mail
- Q&A: History, big government, and democracy
- Quantity not quality: The best way to learn a skill in life is to “make lots of pots”
- Question: What do Bush, Obama, and McCain all have in common?
- Quick update on Griffio happenings
- Quote of the year deserves a t-shirt
- Quote on getting people’s attention
- Quotes by Blake Snow: Am I allowed to quote myself?
- Random French song Tuesday
- RANKED: The “Big 5” movie studio logos
- Re-reading The Old Man and The Sea for the first time since high school
- Read the Feed
- Read this if you like money-saving adventures, inspiring islands, popular consensus, or myth-busting
- READ THIS: 4 terrific reports on fake news, quirky business, rural china, and mental bias
- Reader poll: Best way to Oreo?
- Reader poll: Do you pray?
- Reader question: “How can aspiring writers get their articles published?”
- READER QUESTION: Should emojis and animated gifs be used in business email?
- Reader question: What’s the best way to gain credibility as a new freelance writer?
- Reading these 4 articles will make you a better person
- Reading this will make you want a dog
- Real Salt Lake’s new stadium looks hot and intimate
- Really good debate about unnecessary unemployment expenditures
- Really?! 5% of people feel nothing for music
- Reason no. 372 the iPad isn’t “magical”
- Reason no. 629 I love Amazon
- Recent clippings: Surviving recessions, travel restrictions, and COVID winters
- Recent long reads that will make you smarter
- Recent long reads: Mexico’s surveillance bribe, travel points in lockdown, Nintendo builds a kinder world
- Recent long reads: Protein bars, science of miracles, paid to do nothing
- Recent long-reads: Surviving tree falls, Rick Steves, the raisin mob, 40 year-old rookies
- Recent published works
- Recent published works: Chichen Itza, cactus capitol, all-inclusives, cruising Europe
- Recent published works: Dell Games / Alienware
- Recent reading: The best things I’ve published elsewhere
- Recent travel articles I’ve published for CNN, NatGeo, USA Today, LA Times, and more
- Recent writing: National Parks in lockdown, kids books, when can I travel again?
- Recent writing: Utah skiing, breathtaking buildings, rafting with family, waterproof gear
- Recently discovered: 7 terrific longreads that I think you should… um, read.
- RECENTLY PUBLISHED: Cliff-jumping Ireland, quitting news addiction, best cycling cities, logging off, better content
- Recently published: The Colosseum, origin of Japan, best of Belize, lasting digital detox
- Recommended reading: Measuring History favorably reviewed by industry expert
- Recommended reading: The best travel listicles I published recently
- Recommended: 3 in-depth articles to read
- Recording artist profile: Blake Snow
- Reebok Pump documentary is form over function awesome
- Regarding the U.S. financial crisis
- Regrets of the dying: Why relationships and time matter
- Remember the time I turned down that job at Google?
- Remember when I almost killed myself running?
- Remember when I played in a band with the brother of Imagine Dragons?
- Remember when pro basketball was awesome?
- Remember when the doctor said my kid had brain cancer?
- Remember when Tom Sawyer tricked his peers into whitewashing a fence?
- Remembering Lucy: Our loyal, terrific, well-traveled, and chill family dog of 10 years
- Remote work survey
- Report: “Google generation” doesn’t use Google
- Report: Area man not taking meals “because he’s so busy”
- Report: Many U.S. Parents Outsourcing Child Care Overseas
- Report: What the next depression will look and feel like
- Resist the temptation: Why corporate speak is insecure garbage language
- Responsiveness Equals Success
- REVIEW: Riders of the Purple Sage is a pioneering ★★★★☆ book
- Review: Nike Lunar Glides are unattractive but competent, light, and smart running shoes
- Review: Pixar’s Wall-E is booooring.
- Review: Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
- Review: The Dark Knight is undeniably complex; I like its style
- Review: The King of Kong is twisting with conflict and loaded with nerds
- Review: The Miracle of Castel Di Sangro is a riveting profile about Italian fortune and folly
- Review: The Mutt is a compelling autobiography and page turner
- Rhythm Heaven is crazy fun on DS
- Ricky reacts to “Ricky’s Song,” the new single from my second album
- Ripped-Off Logos
- Rise and shout the Cougar wallpaper is out!
- Road Trip! Help Smooth Harold pick new weekend getaways, look well-traveled (and cool) doing it
- Robinson Crusoe will help you appreciate the good things in life
- Rock Band: a video game anyone can get excited for
- Rockies using video iPods to study hitters
- Rockstar endorsements make my religion slightly less peculiar
- Roger Federer, the most dominate athlete in all of sport
- Roma movie review: Men suck, life is bleak, music has no place in this world
- Romney Denies Mormon Fundraising Connection
- Ron Paul is classy, aggressive policy aside
- Ron Paul is money: Raises $2.4M in 24 hrs
- Routine meetings DON’T bring routine results [update]
- RSS is dead. Subscribe to this blog by email instead.
- RSS stands for “Rarely Seen Sites”
- Run Away From Flash Sites
- Salt Lake City is the video game capital of America
- Samuel L. Jackson is waiting for you to follow me on Twitter…
- SAVE THE DATE: Log Off book signing, Q&A, and mini lecture on Nov. 29 from 7-8 pm @ Pioneer Book in Provo, Utah
- SAVE THE DATE: My “dance rock” cover band is playing an outdoor stage on April 30
- SAVE THE DATE: My band is playing a free live concert on Feb. 18 in Provo
- SAVE THE DATE: My band is playing a free outdoor music fest on June 12
- SAVE THE DATE: My dance rock cover band is performing April 9th in Provo
- Say it with a GIF: How looping animations speak where words fail
- Sci-fi language is often distracting. Not with this novel.
- Science explains why 80% of umpire tennis calls are actually in
- Science of storytelling: 5 proven ways
- Science: “A mountain of theory built on a molehill of evidence”
- Screenshots of presidential history
- Search Wars
- Seattle Bound
- Seattle SEO Conference Roundup
- Second class musicians: Why some bands hide touring members
- Secrets of the world’s most inspiring speakers: How to captivate an audience
- See the movies at 5 famous film destinations
- See what happens when you yell “Bomb!” in an airport…
- See, I told you Provo is magic
- Self Help Continued…
- Self-promotion: Never let negative people, wrong trees, or bad timing discourage you
- Self-service retail kiosks gradually on the rise
- Separated at birth: Timothy Ferriss and Steve-O
- Seriously, how can this thing cost only $2.15?
- Shepherd’s Pie
- Shoot first, focus later
- Should have known: Visually straight not the same as mathematically straight
- Should I delete soft sell comments?
- Should longterm unemployment affect qualifications?
- Should the spelling of mischievous be changed to reflect de facto use?
- Showing my age: I failed to rent my first Lyft
- Signing Your Signature With a Smile (Literally)
- Six computers, three employees, endless controversy: How the tiny BCS rules college football
- Six ways to become a better salesmen
- Skateboarding + slow motion + explosions + good filmmaking = breathtaking
- Skepticism educates. Optimism wins.
- Sledding into the new year
- Smart comment on falling home prices
- Smart Folders
- Smart selling: 7 habits of highly reluctant buyers and how to overcome them
- Smart Web Development
- Smartphone rules for kids: What I made my child agree to
- Smashing Pumpkins: “Like something from the 1900s,” my daughter says
- Smooth Harold answers your burning Life of Pi questions
- Smooth Harold counts his many blessings: 2008 edition
- Smooth Harold is dead. Welcome to Blake Snow.
- Smooth Harold mailbag: Italicizing quotes?
- Smooth Harold on Signal vs. Noise
- Smooth Harold’s alter ego has a new homepage
- Smooth Harold’s top 10 albums of 2012
- Smooth Harold’s top 10 blessings of 2007
- Smooth Harold’s top 10 Spoon songs
- Smooth Harold’s top 5 quotes of the year
- Smooth Harold’s Top 52 Natural Highs
- Smooth Harold: Web Usability Test
- Snow Family terrorizes Southern Utah
- So long mindless button mashing
- So long, 2019! Happy New Year!
- So long, maple. Hello, buttermilk.
- So long, writer’s block. Chapter 5 is a go.
- Soccer terms like “pace” and “result” are un-American
- Soccer: More boring with better climax
- Social media involves more than just the web
- Social News Heating Up
- Software development lives and dies on good project management
- Some of America’s most venerable newspapers face extinction
- Sometimes I think photography is more powerful than video
- Sore Thumbs: The trouble with game of the year awards
- Sound description of blogging for dummies
- Sourcing for Dummies
- Special report: How much longer will society depend on steel?
- Spinal fusion: 10 things I learned surviving a scary-sounding and life-altering surgery
- Sports drinks are a convient way of boosting athletic endurance
- St. Maarten’s beach looks so relaxing…
- Start with “No:” How to negotiate with melodramatic politicians
- Starting today, I’m an American optimist
- State of Grace
- STILL MAKING MUSIC: My new cover songs EP drops October 15
- Still worth it: America’s most scenic train ride slowly turned sour
- Stills in Motherhood
- Stop and go: I’m sick for the big sun
- Stop asking people if they got your message
- Stop me if you’ve heard this one before
- Stop telling yourself that: Life’s biggest lies
- Story of my life: Convincing clients to publish “soft” stories instead of hard sells
- Strike two: So long 3D movies
- Stuck in quarantine? Virtual tours are the next best thing
- Student Developers
- Study finds American tourists messy, rude, and badly dressed
- Study finds that hard work overcomes poverty (sorta)
- Study reveals: Crunches are the most popular exercise in America
- Success: Okay losing everything you have?
- Summer Solstice (June 22)
- Superb documentary on copyright and remix culture
- Surplus of time, lack of distractions lead to record guitar sales this year
- Surprising news: Tambourines are in 50% of popular music (including punk rock)
- Survey says: Most people tip more than 15%, take self portraits, think they’re too busy, and call it “soda”
- Survey: 50% of people think viral marketing is a fad
- Survey: Americans don’t know much about religion
- Suspected: Circuit City, Best Buy sabatoge HD signals of low-end TVs
- Sweet! Google Fiber coming to Provo
- Systems Thinking
- T-Mobile: We own the color magenta
- Take a stand against cheating
- Taking Account
- Tale of Two Traffic Generators
- Taste test: Domino’s beats Pizza Hut, Papa John’s in deep dish delivery war
- Taste test: Village Inn’s most popular pies 🥧
- Team player: Reason no. 352 Pelé was better than Maradona
- Teeth beware: Dental diagnodents are shady
- Tennis Gets Instant Replay
- Texting and dating: Young lovers, I feel for you
- Thanks for reading my blog
- Thanks, Paste Magazine, for letting me write these adventurous stories last month
- The “Craigslist” Tipping Point
- The “Web 2.0” Delicious tag is worthless
- The ’90s according to CNN’s solid documentary on the decade
- The 1-hour Meeting Myth
- The 100 best fonts as voted by design experts
- The 20 most iconic ‘80s movies
- The 5 ingredients of happiness: I won’t argue with these
- The 50 Most Important People on the Web
- The 6 habits of highly creative people
- The ability to distinguish formal and informal writing is a good thing
- The Alma Matter Goes Old Skool
- The American Dream is alive and well (without Internet pipe dreams even)
- The anti-technologist: How to smartphone without a data plan
- The anti-technologist: Three years later
- The average American spends 20 hours per week watching TV
- The benefits of spilling milk on a point and shoot camera
- The best $3 I’ve every spent in my adult life
- The best children’s books, according to my nine year-old daughter
- The best long-form stories I’ve read recently
- The Best Mass Advertisers
- The best motivational poster, ever.
- The Best Music Video. Ever.
- The Best NBA Commercials. Ever.
- The best quote on influence, persuasion, and advertising you’ll ever find
- The best sign of business success
- The City That Never Ends
- The Crazy World of Domain Real Estate
- The Cyclical Nature of Cool ⛷️
- The Daily Google
- The Dash: Poem by Linda Ellis
- The difference between marketing, PR, advertising and branding in pictures
- The discouraging odds of becoming a professional athlete
- The Duct Tape bandit exposed
- The E-Mail Time Capsule
- The exact moment I fell in love with soccer
- The Fall Classic
- The First Day of the Rest of My Life
- The first music I bought as a 10 year old
- The First Personal Computer Wasn’t a Phone
- The first sign of civilization is a healed femur
- The first snowfall of Christmas ’08
- The first time I told my wife I loved her
- The French Open
- The Go in the “Go for it!”
- The greatest “pretty good” football team ever starts anew this weekend
- The greatest Christmas compilation I’ve ever heard
- The greatest college application essay ever
- The greatest display of clouds I’ve ever seen
- The history of rap
- The importance of the left tackle in football
- The internet weighs only 2 ounces
- The IRS considers these two my oldest and youngest dependents.
- The jig still isn’t up: 12 years, two careers, and one calling later
- The joy of nearing completion of a large social website
- The Kite Runner falls flat, despite a killer twist and enthralling history of Afghan culture
- The Long Tail Book Will Not Be Long Tail
- The Long Tail?
- The Mad Genius of Eddie Van Halen
- The Masters’ ending was epic
- The meaning of all 12 songs from my debut record
- The meaning of life: 13 things I learned from the world’s greatest thinkers
- The metaverse isn’t real
- The moment John Farnham’s “You’re The Voice” entered my stratosphere
- The most elegant web design I’ve seen in a decade
- The most intriguing British words according to an American
- The most self-absorbed auto-responder I’ve ever received
- The most studly photo of Michael Jackson ever (or Why he was bigger than the Beatles)
- The mother of all mobility scooters
- The mother tongue: Why English is the most global of languages
- The Muslim who made his living selling Mexican food in the Wild West
- The negotiation paradox
- The news is wrong. Humanity is getting better. These stats prove it.
- The Next Big Thing
- The one question I would ask God
- The Onion: Ninja parade slips through town unnoticed once again
- The only thing I hate more than nuclear war is the national debt
- The Origins of Ctrl + Alt + Del
- The overview effect: Why I’ll NEVER travel to space
- The perks of hiring a piano teacher
- The Pharmacy
- The Positive Effects of Networking
- The power of applause: Why recognition works
- The Princess Bride: Another movie that is better than the book
- The problem with academic writing: “The teacher must seize the student’s attention”
- The problem with productivity
- The promise and limitations of online life are niche, detached, and fascinating
- The Promise is the greatest one-hit wonder from the Eighties
- The pros and cons of electric car camping
- The real Lord of the Flies were friendly, loyal, and successful young men
- The Rich Give Little
- The Rise of Vlogging
- The road less traveled = better photography
- The scientific method is self-skepticism
- The scorpion and the frog
- The secret to life is working to death, experts say
- The secret to making millions in the stock market is on Saturday mornings, apparently
- The See-Through CEO
- The silver lining of mainstream POTUS candidates
- The Social Super Highway
- The sound of progress, effort, and dedication
- The Star Wars Kid revisited
- The Story Behind Each of My Scars
- The Struts: Sober performances and the return of stage presence
- The sudden rise of plucky Pickleball
- The surprising logic behind working smarter, not harder
- The time I hiked Patagonia with National Geographic
- The top 10 most litigous companies (by trademark lawsuits)
- The trouble with travel in an “open” pandemic
- The Truth According To Wikipedia raises important questions on accuracy, expertise, and group think
- The Video Game Industry: A Week In LA
- The Video Game Pianist
- The web made us smarter. Is Facebook making us dumber?
- The weekend starts here: New offline podcast is on now!
- The weirdos who don’t like weekends
- The world ain’t scary: 9 questions for a travel columnist, avid adventurer, and father of five
- The world’s #1 million dollar violin doctor
- The world’s greatest inventions have one thing in common
- The world’s only superpower: Why the USA is so dominant
- The year 2000 as predicted by 1930 fashion designers
- The. Coolest. Online. Business. Ever.
- Then and now photos never cease to entertain
- There are better ways of spending your time…
- There Is No Exit Strategy
- There is no expiration date on art (or why journalism should critique old “news”)
- There’s No “Secret Sauce” To SEO
- There’s nothing “dry” about dry cleaning
- There’s no such thing as a tech company anymore
- These “photo of the year” candidates are stunning
- These 5 albums have monopolized my airwaves recently
- These 5 quotes will make you smarter (but not necessarily wiser)
- These animated short stories made me cry on an airplane
- These are the best books I read this year
- These batteries are pretty darn old
- These classic comfy shoes are great for everyday wear (and travel)
- These photos of North Korea are surreal
- These quotes speak to me: Some of my favorite adages of all-time
- These recent long-reads are fascinating
- These short-stories are funny. My life is average.
- These speakers are the best desktop upgrade I’ve ever made
- These surfing videos blow my mind
- These top 10 World Cup goals are awesome
- They made a movie out of it: Why I’m okay with million dollar long-form articles
- Things I did in New England
- Things I enjoy doing as a tall man
- Things I’m thankful for in 2009
- Things I’m thankful for in 2014
- Things my dad taught me: Never ask what you’re not willing to hear
- Things that scared me as a child: Bull in the Ring
- Things to see: Western Brook fjord
- Think valley girls invented the “like” interjection? Think again.
- Think you can do it alone? This book is proof that we all need backup
- Think your clients are unreasonable? Imagine dealing with this on a daily basis
- Thinking we’re “important” by overworking
- This 60 year old movie made quite an impression on me
- This advice doesn’t apply to you
- This bat does some crazy stuff
- This daily newsletter saves me an hour while still keeping me informed
- This exposé of youth basketball is “jarring” to say the least
- This fast food commercial tickles all the right ’80s buttons
- This finger food should be on everyone’s menu
- This guy’s argument would hold more water if it weren’t written on a website
- This is a brilliant social media strategy. Not.
- This is a brilliantly funny Mac ad.
- This is a great ad for “computer-like objects”
- This is a lovely short video on truth. Thank you, Gene Wilder
- This is a really clever commercial. Really.
- This is great music. It just happens to be country.
- This is how you get out of debt
- This is how you press release key influencers
- This is me every time I cut my son’s hair, while his mother holds him in a full nelson to assuage his ballistic behavior
- This is one of my favorite records of the year and I hope you love it too
- This is really good design
- This is something: My greatest hike yet
- This is still the greatest movie montage ever made
- This is the best World Cup ad
- This is the nicest puffer coat I’ve ever worn
- This is what a workaholic, internet addict looks like on his 30th birthday
- This is what I woke up to this morning…
- This is what my “corporate” website looked like… five years ago
- This is what you do to determine if a clay courter is better than a grass player
- This is where most of my shopping is done
- This is why I love Grand Slam tennis
- This isn’t sailing, it’s hovercrafting
- This kids book illustration cracks me up
- This may be the most important story I’ve ever published in my writing career
- This month’s Offline Newsletter is just three sentences long: Enjoy your life!
- This movie looks fun
- This moving short story is something fierce
- This performance gives me chills and makes me smile every time I watch it
- This photo of lightening striking a Filipino volcano looks like a freakin’ dragon!
- This photo puts a big smile on my face
- This quote is a nice reminder for humans
- This real-life fake hitman inspired a fictionalized movie
- This reformed liar was asked to lie again for his dying wife
- This retro documentary is fun, moving, and almost as good as King of Kong
- This shower logic is close but no cigar
- This silverware makes food taste better
- This study is scheduled to conclude today.
- This video goes out to all the countries that didn’t win the World Cup
- This video makes me hungry
- This video makes me want to high five the universe (and hug a rock)
- THIS WEEK ONLY: Log Off on sale for just $5.99 (45% off)
- This wildfire photo is fantastically sad
- This wired life: You’re still doing it wrong
- Thoughts on Apple’s newly announced iPhone
- Thoughts to the South
- Three books that changed my life
- Three cool images of the day
- Three easy steps to getting your point across
- Three foods I really like right now
- Three reasons the iPhone is more dumbphone than smartphone
- Three’s company
- Throwing Batters Curves Before Throwing a Pitch
- TIME calls bloggers “random lunatics”
- Timex “easy reader” is precisely that
- Tiny $25 PC prototype is cool but impractical
- Tip: How to close more business off your website
- Tired of being tied to your smartphone? New short book provides convincing answers
- To all my readers: Let’s play chess
- To All the Mothers…
- To reach more people, write “bright and emotional” copy
- To the cop that ticketed my wife yesterday: Get bent.
- To the stranger who reminded me that the human body can do hard things
- Today’s paper had two funny cartoons
- Toilet Bar
- Tomatoes: “They’re like salty watermelons, man!”
- Too close to call: Mat Kearney, M83 and Kooks in three way tie for album of year
- Too Cold For Me
- Too much milk: My worst nightmare
- Top 10 best Bob Marley songs
- Top 10 best classical piano sonatas ever
- Top 10 best Keane songs (with links to video)
- Top 10 best Killers songs (with embedded videos)
- Top 10 best Michael Jackson songs
- Top 10 best U2 songs (with embedded music videos)
- Top 10 best-selling recorded music artists of all time
- Top 10 books and essays I read this year
- Top 10 business myths (includes raising capital)
- Top 10 computer animated movies
- Top 10 facts about my debut record
- Top 10 faith-based Jimmerisms
- Top 10 gadgets to put on your wish list
- Top 10 greatest things ever (my ranking)
- Top 10 Life Lessons (Profound)
- Top 10 Mistakes Made by the Self-Employed
- Top 10 National Parks to visit in autumn
- Top 10 personal technologies of the decade
- Top 10 tips for living your best life
- Top 10 ways to celebrate Christmas
- Top 10 ways to fix content marketing
- Top 10 Web Design Mistakes in 2006
- Top 12 American foods
- Top 25: My favorite songs
- Top 3 ways to build online communities
- Top 30 facts about The Most Interesting Man in the World
- Top 5 best Beatles songs sung by George Harrison
- Top 5 best churrasco meats (according to an American who lived in Brazil)
- Top 5 best Powerade flavors
- Top 5 biggest, brassiest, and march-inducing national anthems of all time
- Top 5 foods to avoid while playing video games
- Top 5 highest paying associate degree jobs
- Top 5 movies about news reporting, journalism, and dirty rotten liars
- Top 5 new bands of the last decade (with video)
- Top 5 pro wrestlers from the 80s
- Top 5 reasons video games don’t look as good as you think they do
- Top 5 songs from Phoenix’s upcoming album, Bankrupt!
- Top 5 things white people like
- Top 9 things Rudy teaches as a motivation speaker
- Top Prospecting Methods
- Trains, hotels, tourist traps, and bucket lists: Have you read all these?
- Transaction-Based Referral System
- Transformers is most awesome
- Trash on Mount Everest
- Travel column: Europe, Costa Rica, group tours, Equator, America’s loneliest road
- Travel column: Off the grid in North America, San Diego, New Zealand, and Seattle
- Travel roundup: Most visited countries, foreign education, China tips, nearby snorkeling
- Traveling well: 5 ways to rethink your bucket list
- Traveling with children: 5 questions with a travel columnist and father of five
- Trump University
- Trust the system: Truck shortages and higher border crossing temperatures
- Try as they may, PR no longer control the conversation. You do.
- Turning “gay” into an obsession
- TV is not dying
- TV news needs to stop link hoarding!
- TV spot makes Pontiac seem cooler than BMW
- Two formatting improvements for Connect Magazine
- Two movies I want to see this fall
- Two terrific books to read: The Disaster Artist (4/5 stars) & Frankenstein (4/5 stars)
- Two web games I can’t stop playing
- Two year-olds break PlayStation 3s
- Type design that should go away and die
- Typography: A case for function over design
- Ugliest. Shoes. Ever.
- Uh—there’s a time and a place for that, Apple, and it’s not your iPhone
- Ultra-long haul flights: How I survived 16 hours in the sky
- Uncle Rico’s van for sale on Ebay
- Uncommonly Common
- Unfriending inappropriate Facebook relationships
- United States Postal Service
- Unity: This is exactly what Op Ivy was talking about
- Unlimited BlackBerry email for $10
- Unseen Utah: 15 hidden gems you’ve probably missed
- Unwritten Rules in Management
- UPDATE: Read this if you really want to understand the Georgia-Russia conflict
- UPDATE: Smooth Harold launches ‘Helpdesk’ and open lunch invitations
- Use blog ads like these if you want to look cheap
- User-generated story leads (blog tips)
- Using numbers to look your best
- Using the internet to document the 33+ dead shooting at Virginia Tech today
- Using time wisely is all about consulting a calendar and faithfully prioritizing its contents
- Utah less-traveled: Going extinct in Dinosaur National Monument
- Utah’s a sweet place
- Utah: Noah’s great and spacious multi-purpose rental building is awesome!
- Vampire Weekend is avant-garde
- Victory (1981) Ending and Crappy Movies
- Video games ain’t what they used to be, and that’s a good thing
- Video games are in good hands
- Video games being used as corporate recruiting tool
- Video games bigger than their biggest expo
- Video games in good company since 1958
- Video games seek imunity from used sales, fail to see the irony
- VIDEO: 5 ways to make better decisions, according to science
- Video: History of rock ‘n roll in 100 riffs
- VIDEO: How to overcome constant rejection
- Video: Louis Armstrong shadow puppets
- Video: One-legged golfer
- Video: The Viral Learning Center
- Video: Why new music sounds worse than older recordings
- Vinyl records sustain digital future
- Visual search is nothing more than a lame gimmick to rival Google
- Waffle House wedding
- Wanna compete with iTunes? Ditch protection rights.
- Wanna write better? Use fewer words.
- Want a great FREE magazine subscription?
- Want better relationships? Avoid these 6 common “love busters”
- Want Cliff Notes for popular business books? Read Wikipedia summaries.
- Want to be unhappy? Do these 16 things
- Want to build site traffic? Use push technology.
- Want to learn how to write like a pro?
- Want to live to 100? Do these eight things
- Want to make better decisions? Do these 10 things
- Want to review Log Off, my new book? I’ll send you a FREE copy (while supplies last)
- Want to write gooder? Use “back in” more
- Was Abe Lincoln honest?
- Wasting away: 5 reasons people work too much
- Watch a 13 year-old CEO pitch for funding
- Watch Blake Snow & Less Bad Band LIVE @ Velour on YouTube
- Watch Fonz “jump the shark” on Happy Days
- Watch my alumni (BYU) beat the loosers from up north (Utah) in football
- WATCH: Michael Keaton “starred” in my latest music video to support my new single
- Water bottles are for suckers (literally)
- Web 2.0 for dummies
- Web 2.0: Conversation (not content) is king
- Web Domainology
- Web page tabs I always have open
- Web Resources 101
- Weblogs Stats
- Website Creation Strategy
- Website Stroke of Genius (Pun Intended)
- Website usability testing for dummies
- Weekend Edition: A Plug for Skim Delight
- Weekend Edition: Amazing Beatles Juggler
- Weekend Edition: New Sadie Pics!
- Weekend edition: What I’m currently movie-ing, music-ing, and book-ing
- Weekend Edition: World/Baseball History
- Weekend: Flickr Image of Newfoundland
- Weight is a lousy motivator for long-term health. Find a real cause today.
- Went skydiving today. Didn’t die.
- What “nofollow” links mean to good content
- What 10,000 miles from home feels like
- What 20 years of writing have taught me
- What a novel idea for companies: Apologize when you make a mistake
- WHAT A STORY: The Beach Bum Who Beat Wall Street and Made Millions
- What are the best free print publications?
- What are you doing this weekend?
- What bad fishing taught me about good business
- What business can learn from the world’s biggest sporting scandal
- What defines an “entrepreneur”
- What do 50 year-olds know that 20 year-olds often don’t?
- What do you do to relax?
- What do you do? Me, I’m a web designer.
- What does “American” mean? Hampton Sides has a pretty good answer
- What Frank Sinatra might sing if he were living in a My Space world
- What great leaders do: 9 characteristics
- What happens when a black family RVs across America in quarantine
- What I believe: My 10 articles of faith
- What I learned after re-listening to The Beatles entire catalog this weekend
- What I learned from a lack of travel this year
- What I learned from Anger Management class
- What I learned returning “home” after 10 years
- What I read to stay informed
- What I think about my Dad’s looming death
- What I’m excited about this spring
- What I’m working on now: Is it weird that I moonlight as a musician? 😁
- What I’ve learned after 8 years of ride shares
- What is AJAX?
- What is math? The answer will surprise you
- What is my domain name worth?
- What is Project Management?
- What is SEO?
- What is viral marketing?
- What it really means
- What it’s like in heaven and hell
- What it’s like to escape the mindset of a conspiracy theorist
- What it’s like to hike in 5000-year-old trees
- What it’s like to work an Amazon warehouse
- What kind of trees are these?
- What lessons do most people learn late in life?
- What program do you use to design websites?
- What the federal budget would look like if it were a typical American household
- What to call an un-intelligent person
- What to do when you disagree with a paying client’s changes?
- What to do with overly critical comments on your blog?
- What to look for in a web host
- What to pack for a camping trip?
- What was America like in the 1970s?
- What would a world without internet be like?
- What would you say to one million listeners?
- What’s in a name? What I learned staying in Trump’s #1 rated hotel
- What’s my age again?
- What’s the best small business accounting, bookkeeping software for Mac?
- What’s the fastest you’ve ever been in a car?
- What’s your favorite soft drink?
- When “economic development” goes wrong
- When I get my band back together, this is the first guy I hire
- When is it okay to lie?
- When it comes to raising kids, “quality time” is fake news
- When it rains, it pours…
- When life gets complicated, cling to three spiritual pillars
- When success turns stale: This is what old guard feels like
- When You Can’t Do it Alone
- When your celebrity endorser becomes the town bycicle, it’s always best to dump him
- Where are the purists now? Substitutions are “Americanized” soccer
- Where are you Christmas?
- Where I do most my shopping, Christmas or otherwise
- Where I stand on American politics
- Where is America on the gender equality scale?
- Where locals from exotic locations vacation
- Where the jobs are, openings per capita
- Where to find good images?
- Where to find them: America’s 11 newest National Parks
- Where words fail, music speaks: Here’s what I think about my dad’s death yesterday
- Where would dance, hip-hop, Eighties, and electronic music be without Raymond Scott?
- Where’s Brooks when I need him?
- Where’s Nick Burns When You Need Him
- Which countries work, relax, and volunteer most?
- Which is better: Museum of Curiosity or Living Planet Aquarium?
- Who are the greatest men of all time? My talk show has the answer
- Who needs GPS when there’s Google My Location?
- Who owns your digital downloads? (Hint: it’s not you)
- Who said pretending wasn’t any fun?
- Who spilled politics on my video game?
- Who would win in a fight: DC Comics or Marvel?
- Who would win in a fight: lion, tiger, or bear?
- Whole Foods CEO: “I No Longer Want To Work For Money”
- Why “agree to disagree” works
- Why “emotional” fails as an adjective
- Why 60% of people who hang toilet paper “over” the roll make over $50,000 per year
- Why Amazon might be the coolest company in the world
- Why America lost its religion (while still praying more than most)
- Why Americans call it “soccer”
- Why are humans gullible? Thinking Fast and Slow helps avoid mistakes in life
- Why big companies are drained of inspiration
- Why Blu-ray never caught on
- Why college football coaches stuggle with health
- Why converting to Christianity is better than “being converted”
- Why do successful people often fail at life?
- Why do you read the blogs that you do?
- Why does America play “The Star-Spangled Banner” before sporting events?
- Why e-readers will never replace books (price isn’t the answer)
- Why eBay auctions are no longer popular
- Why everyone should embrace frugality
- Why face masks are encouraged in Asia but shunned in America
- Why fair-weather fans are better than loyal ones
- Why federal bail outs (like the proposed $700B one) aren’t the answer
- Why Good to Great Isn’t
- Why I blog under the Smooth Harold pseudonym
- Why I dislike sports media
- Why I don’t like wearing masks for non-airborne diseases like coronavirus
- Why I don’t use Facebook either
- Why I like all protests and rallies, even ones I disagree with
- Why I love checking my email
- Why I love efficiency: Reason no. 254
- Why I love my car: 2011 Dodge Journey
- Why I love Valentine’s Day after years of shrugging it off
- Why I love web comments
- Why I quit reading Anna Karenina, one the most beautiful books ever written
- Why I won’t buy an Apple Watch (for now)
- Why I’m reluctant to call myself a journalist
- Why Internet access (or any technology for that matter) is NOT a human right
- Why is every four years “the most important election ever”?
- Why it sucks to be the younger brother (or why it rocks to be the older brother)
- Why loss aversion motivates twice as well as rewards
- Why love at first sight is a sham
- Why Most Small Businesses Fail
- Why my bad diction didn’t stop me from becoming a writer
- Why National Parks turn us into idiots: Drew Magary is one of America’s greatest writers
- Why Neil Diamond Is “So Good”
- Why not recommend?
- Why NOW is the most important time
- Why old people turn to God
- Why people love Dan Brown, the world’s most polarizing writer
- Why saying “thank you” is a powerful thing
- Why scrape when you can feed?
- Why social media should be treated like underage drinking, driving, and firearms
- Why some languages sound so much faster than others
- Why some people don’t eat pork
- Why the internet is hard to put down
- Why three band members are better than four or more
- Why travel “comes easy” to some but harder for others
- Why video game dialogue is so cheesy
- Why waste good technology on science and medicine?
- Why work-life blending doesn’t work
- Why writers get more hate mail than fan mail
- Why you should always pay attention to people’s feet
- Why you should listen to Charley Pride, even if you don’t like country music
- Why you should never overhaul a working website
- Why you should visit a nude beach at least once in life
- Why you shouldn’t check email on weekends
- Why you shouldn’t work on vacation
- Why your second act should be designed by an adult instead of a teenager
- Why Zappos Pays New Employees to Quit—And You Should Too
- Wikipedia 8/10 in Top News Websites
- Wikipedia is hilarious… sorta
- Wikipedia May Go To Print
- Wikipedia your iPod
- Will do again: 5-star swimming at a 3-star resort
- Will Google Chrome OS change computers?
- Will morning shows still air once baby-boomers die?
- Will power doesn’t work. To change habits, control your environment instead
- Will repurposed blog content via syndication become standard?
- Will the real scientist please stand up: I’m dumbfounded on cause of global warming
- Wind farms hope to restore rural America
- Windows 8 looks promising
- Wingsuit base jumpers are incredible!
- Winning at life after leaving the rat race
- Winning time: 7 ways to crush your calendar
- With exception to rap, new music is abnormally good this year
- With exception to the corney caption at the end, I love this video for the following reasons:
- With no electricity, my contributions cease to exist
- With regards to offline balance, money is everything
- Word Speed Anyone?
- WordPress 2.1 released; the world’s best CMS just got better
- Words of wisdom from my mechanic
- Words to Live (work) By
- Words to live by: Don’t be stupid!
- Words to live by: Nobody cares. Work harder.
- Work is still work—even with a job you love
- Work, family, faith: How to be “all in”
- Work-life balance is NOT a myth. Experience proves this.
- Working From Home
- Working hard or hardly working?
- Working harder for your dollar
- Working in a webtop environment
- World Cup teams with foreign coaches are going to get bit, if they haven’t already
- World of Goo is blowing my mind
- WORLD PREMIER: My first time flyboarding
- World travel: 7 things to do on 7 continents
- Worlds are colliding: The brave souls who are quitting Facebook
- Worst email reply ever
- Worth the work: Heavy snow and maple trees—it’s all the same to me
- Would SSN verification fix U.S. immigration?
- Would you like coffee with this crappy band, sir?
- Would you pay $430 for a browser-only Macbook Air?
- Wouldn’t it be cool if you could rate your music with volume increases instead of stars?
- Wright Thompson is a great sportswriter
- Writer for hire, looks good in bow tie
- Writers: No need to describe death as “tragic”
- WSJ: Wal-Mart’s influence is waning
- What Oklahoma tornadoes taught me about survival
- Yamato, my new favorite restaurant
- Yanks Moving Up
- Year End Thoughts
- Year in review: My 3 favorite books by genre
- Yes, you can! How to cook a cucumber
- Yield Management
- You are clear for take off
- You are more than your occupation: This question proves it
- You are worth more than you think
- You can always trust in the right play, system, and even imperfect teammates
- You can’t force creativity: Feeling inspired in Madrid but failing in Mexico City
- You can’t look away: Here’s why people still watch NBC’s criticized Olympic coverage
- You can’t slow time, but you sure can hide it
- You complete me, Sadie
- You did it! Welcome to a new location.
- You don’t have to “put in your time” to take time off
- You Don’t Know Jack About Viral Marketing
- You Don’t Want a “Cab” in NYC
- You got this: 40 ways to change the world through daily acts of service
- You have a choice. Do what you love.
- You might be a dummy if you bought one of these
- You might be married if…
- You might like this album if…
- You need backup
- You should disclose when linking to affiliates
- You song of the day is the best Chicago song not written by Chicago
- You spilled population on my country
- You stay classy, Jansport!
- You think Google wants us to try their online payment system?
- You won’t find a better quote on winning
- You’re doing it wrong: 7 bad habits of well-meaning parents
- You’re never too busy for people
- You’re not alone: This is one funny and inspired graduation speech
- Young at Heart
- Young at heart sing ‘Fix You’ by Coldplay
- Young love beat COVID today. Almost.
- Your blog is so good you need social bookmarking icons on every post!
- Your government isn’t Big Brother. Your gadgets are.
- Your song of the weekend is also one of my favorite indie songs ever
- Your success depends on withstanding rare but nasty rejection
- Yours Truly at E3
- YouTube videos that make you feel crummy about yourself
- YouTube’s contact importer is spam
- Zip Folders and Software Usability
- “Change isn’t hard, but staying the same is much easier.”
- “Democracies don’t attack each other.”